How I signed 350+ SMMA Clients With 'Poor Lead Quality' | Summary and Q&A

April 26, 2021
Charlie Morgan
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How I signed 350+ SMMA Clients With 'Poor Lead Quality'


Prospects are often being overlooked due to an overemphasis on lead quality, leading to missed sales opportunities.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 Overextending the principle of lead quality can prevent agencies from exploring potentially lucrative opportunities.
  • 🥡 Taking responsibility for the prospect's decision and improving objection handling skills are essential for successful sales.
  • 💁 Prejudging prospects based on limited information, such as an application form, can lead to missed opportunities.
  • 🙈 Objections should be seen as an opportunity to address concerns and build trust with prospects.
  • 🥺 Organic lead generation methods may result in a lower lead quality but can still yield valuable clients.
  • 🥡 There is a difference between taking responsibility for the prospect's decision and overextending responsibility for every outcome.
  • ❓ Beliefs and cognitive biases can hinder an agency's sales process and success.


hey everyone charlie morgan here and welcome to this quick video um in this video i want to discuss why you're probably overextending what we mean by lead quality or the over extension of the lead quality principle is probably what i'm going to call this video might sound like a bit of a complicated title but it's actually a really simple idea and ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is lead quality and why is it important for agencies?

Lead quality refers to finding potential clients who align with your agency's target market and requirements. It is important because working with clients who are a good fit increases the chances of success and satisfaction for both parties.

Q: How does overextension of lead quality impact sales?

Overextending lead quality means agencies only want to talk to prospects who are an exact match at first glance, which limits their potential client pool. This can result in missed opportunities to convert prospects who may not be a perfect fit initially but can benefit from the agency's services.

Q: How can agencies overcome the overextension of lead quality?

Agencies should focus on improving their sales process and objection handling skills. By taking responsibility for the prospect's decision and addressing objections effectively, they can increase their chances of closing deals with prospects who may not appear to be a perfect fit initially.

Q: Why do many agency owners blame lead quality for their poor sales conversion rates?

Blaming lead quality is often a defense mechanism that allows agency owners to avoid taking responsibility for their sales process. It is easier to attribute low conversion rates to poor leads rather than addressing any personal shortcomings in their approach to sales.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Lead quality is the idea of finding potential clients that are a good fit for your agency based on various factors such as budget, business size, and willingness to run Facebook ads.

  • The overextension of lead quality occurs when agencies only want to talk to "perfect fit" prospects and overlook those who could be a good fit with some persuasion.

  • Many agency owners blame poor lead quality for their low sales conversion rates instead of taking responsibility for improving their sales process.

  • Overextending the idea of lead quality can result in missed opportunities and hinder the progress of the agency.

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