New & Easiest Way To Grow Your Agency To $10k/mo | Summary and Q&A

March 11, 2022
Charlie Morgan
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New & Easiest Way To Grow Your Agency To $10k/mo


Learn how to use reverse engineered mathematics to predict revenue, cash flows, and growth for your agency.

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Key Insights

  • 💯 The speaker emphasizes the importance of taking consistent actions towards growth and focusing on the core activities that drive revenue.
  • 🍳 By breaking down goals into smaller, manageable steps, achieving desired income levels becomes within reach.
  • 💗 Success in growing an agency is based on cause and effect, not luck or talent.
  • 💨 Investing in mentorship and proven systems can help agency owners achieve their goals faster and with less pain.
  • 🤩 Consistent outreach and strong appointment booking practices are key factors in generating revenue for an agency.
  • 💌 The speaker encourages viewers to prioritize actionable steps, such as sending emails, rather than getting distracted by other less impactful activities.
  • 👨‍💼 Success can be achieved by separating oneself from the business and seeking guidance from mentors who have already achieved similar goals.


hey everyone it's charlie morgan here and welcome back to another video for the channel so in today's video we're going to be breaking down the math um the raw math of growing an agency now what i'm going to do in this video is show you exactly what you need to do to hit your goal um we're going to show you how my business partner and i use reverse... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does reverse engineered mathematics help in growing an agency?

Reverse engineered mathematics allows agency owners to break down their goals into smaller actionable steps. By understanding the necessary actions, such as the number of sales calls and meetings, they can predict revenue and cash flows.

Q: How many sales calls are needed to get 10 clients for a $20,000 per month income?

Assuming a conversion rate of 10%, 100 sales calls are needed to acquire 10 clients. This is based on the goal of having $2,000 per month retainers.

Q: How can someone achieve a 10,000 per month income for their agency?

With a 1% appointment booking rate, a person would need to send 5,000 outreach emails to achieve a $10,000 per month income. Consistency in sending 25 emails per day can help achieve this goal.

Q: What can individuals do to increase their appointment booking rate?

To improve the appointment booking rate, individuals need to figure out what their market wants and develop systems to cater to those needs. Strong systems and good qualification practices can lead to higher appointment booking rates.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video discusses the importance of being able to attribute actions towards the desired effect of growing an agency.

  • The speaker walks through a mental model and demonstrates how to break down goals into smaller, achievable steps.

  • By calculating the number of sales calls, meetings, and outreach required, the video shows that success is achievable through focused and consistent actions.

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