Get SMMA Clients With YouTube (Full Guide) | Summary and Q&A

September 5, 2022
Charlie Morgan
YouTube video player
Get SMMA Clients With YouTube (Full Guide)


This video discusses the creator's strategy for growing their YouTube channel, emphasizing the importance of consistency, value, and volume of content over time.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ The YouTube algorithm supports exponential growth, but consistency is crucial for success.
  • 🍉 Providing value is the main rule for creating genuine connections and long-term growth.
  • 🖐️ Volume and time play significant roles in achieving exponential results on YouTube.
  • 🏛️ Authenticity and originality are integral to building value and resonating with audiences.
  • 😉 Flexing and ego-driven content may produce short-term gains, but genuine value wins in the long run.
  • 🎟️ The creator's strategy involves aligning content with their mission of making client acquisition easy.
  • 💄 Simplifying content production and making it enjoyable is essential for maintaining consistency.


so the title of the video is pretty bold right it's like i want to not own the youtube business space or the sma or high ticket you know whatever the [ __ ] you'd call this industry these days but i want to lay out my strategy and exactly how i see youtube um i'm at a point in my channel where i don't really have the authority to explain how to gro... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How has the creator's YouTube channel grown over time?

The creator's channel has reached a couple of thousand subscribers in 18 months, with a significant growth spurt in the last three months. The goal is to continue this exponential growth through consistency.

Q: Why does the creator prioritize providing value over selling in their videos?

The creator believes that by genuinely helping their audience and adding value, they will be rewarded with more exposure and long-term success. Selling is not the primary focus; it's about building trust and nurturing relationships.

Q: How does the creator ensure consistency in their content production?

The creator commits to producing three videos per week, aiming for simplicity and fun in the process. The videos are not scripted but are based on thoughts, questions, and problems that the creator encounters in their professional life.

Q: What is the ultimate goal of the creator's YouTube channel?

The primary goal is not the number of subscribers or views; it is to make client acquisition easy. The YouTube channel serves as a vehicle for achieving this mission by providing valuable content and generating appointments for the creator's company.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The creator shares their strategy for growing their YouTube channel, based on their unique theory compiled from successful YouTubers and other industries.

  • Consistency is key in terms of uploading content, maintaining a consistent message, personality, and quality.

  • The creator aims to provide value to their audience by offering perspectives, paradigms, and frameworks to help solve their problems and accomplish their goals.

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