Best SMMA Lead Qualification Strategy | Summary and Q&A

July 6, 2022
Charlie Morgan
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Best SMMA Lead Qualification Strategy


Lead qualification is often seen as essential in business, but this video argues that for most online businesses, it is a waste of time and can hinder growth.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 Lead qualification is not important for most online businesses with empty calendars and limited prospects.
  • 🥺 Pre-judging and assuming prospects based on their online presence can lead to missed opportunities.
  • 😑 Avoiding pre-research allows for a clean slate during sales calls, leading to a more accurate diagnosis of the prospect's needs.
  • 👨‍💼 Qualifying prospects based on income or goals can result in missed opportunities and hinder business growth.
  • 🤗 It is important to approach every sales call with an open mind and a clean slate, as assumptions and judgments can be detrimental to the sales process.
  • 🖤 Lack of sales calls and rejection of unqualified prospects can hinder the growth of a business.
  • 🥺 Lead qualification is often used as an excuse for lack of sales, but taking responsibility and improving sales skills can lead to progress.


okay so lead qualification it's a very shiny topic and a lot of people like to talk about it the market is wrong right it's kind of i'm going to take a bit of a bold approach to this video because i'm going to say something that basically no one believes is true um based on my experience having built two seven figure or one multi-seven figure and s... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is lead qualification considered a waste of time for most online businesses?

Lead qualification is not important when businesses have empty calendars and lack enough prospects to warrant being picky. It becomes important when there is a clear opportunity cost of talking to less qualified prospects.

Q: What is the danger of pre-judging prospects based on their online presence?

Pre-judging prospects based on their online presence can lead to missed opportunities. For example, businesses with poorly designed websites or small social media presence may still be valuable clients. It is essential to have an open mind and avoid making assumptions.

Q: How does the lack of pre-research benefit the sales process?

By avoiding pre-research, salespeople can go into sales calls with a clean slate and ask questions directly to the business owner. This allows for a more accurate diagnosis of the problem and a better understanding of the prospect's needs.

Q: Is it necessary to qualify prospects based on their income or goals?

It is not necessary to pre-qualify prospects based on income or goals, as assumptions can be wrong and hinder the sales process. Every prospect should be given a chance, as you never know their potential connections or future business growth.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Lead qualification is not as important as commonly believed, especially for most online businesses.

  • It is only necessary when there is a clear opportunity cost of talking to less qualified prospects.

  • Pre-judgment and assumption of prospects can lead to missed opportunities and hinder sales.

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