How To Build A $25k/mo SMMA (Michal's Experience) | Summary and Q&A

October 10, 2022
Charlie Morgan
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How To Build A $25k/mo SMMA (Michal's Experience)


Happy client successfully scales coaching business from $13k/month to $25k/month in five months with the help of Imperium's client acquisition systems.

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Key Insights

  • 🥶 Systems that require less cognitive effort, such as cold emails, can be effective for booking sales calls.
  • 🤙 Comprehensiveness and efficient coaching calls contribute to success in implementing strategies.
  • 😫 Setting high revenue goals and considering them as hygiene standards can drive continuous growth.
  • 🧑‍🏭 Trust and familiarity with the program creator are crucial factors in deciding to invest in a coaching program.
  • 🏛️ Guarantees that align with the reputation and credibility of the program creator build trust among potential clients.
  • ⚖️ Balancing operational capacity is necessary when scaling a business to avoid overwhelming workload.
  • 👨‍💼 Cash reserves are important for smooth business growth and the ability to make strategic decisions.


hi everyone how's it going it's Charlie Morgan here and welcome back to another client interview with a very happy client of ours I love doing these things and I'm really happy Michael scaled his agency stroke coaching business from 13 000 a month to 25 000 a month in five months of working with us so basically in five months we've been working wit... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What were the main issues Michael faced that led him to purchase the program?

Michael struggled with booking enough sales calls and found that conversational prospecting required a lot of cognitive effort and energy. He wanted a system that would allow him to book calls without constant cognitive effort.

Q: Why did Michael choose Imperium's program over other options?

Michael appreciated the comprehensive content and detailed tactics provided by Imperium. He also liked the efficient approach to the coaching calls. He found that he didn't need much hand-holding and preferred to implement the strategies himself.

Q: How many appointments is Michael booking per week with the cold email system?

Michael is currently booking about one to two appointments per day using the cold email system, though he could book more if desired. However, he is currently focusing on integrating existing clients and services before scaling further.

Q: What is the next step for Michael's business?

Michael aims to achieve a million-dollar run rate with his coaching program alone. He is considering transitioning away from agency clients and focusing solely on coaching to reach his revenue goals. The plan is evolving, but he believes he can achieve this milestone.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Michael scaled his coaching business/agency from $13,000 to $25,000 per month in just five months of working with Imperium.

  • Imperium helped Michael build client acquisition systems for appointment booking and sales, resulting in one to two appointments booked per day.

  • Michael credits Imperium's cold email and Loom system for the increase in revenue and the ability to book more sales calls.

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