2003 AIME II problem 15 (part 1) | Math for fun and glory | Khan Academy | Summary and Q&A

January 13, 2011
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2003 AIME II problem 15 (part 1) | Math for fun and glory | Khan Academy


The video explains how to simplify a polynomial by recognizing a pattern in squaring polynomials, using x^3 + x^2 + x + 1 as an example.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 Recognizing patterns in polynomial operations can lead to simplification and insight into their coefficients.
  • 🧑‍🏭 Factors of x can be factored out to simplify a polynomial and reveal underlying patterns.
  • ❎ Squaring polynomials can result in coefficients that increase and then decrease.
  • 💁 The simplified form of a polynomial can provide essential information for solving specific problems.
  • 🆘 Finding patterns can help in solving complex mathematical problems efficiently.
  • 🥳 The sum of the absolute values of the imaginary parts of the square of the roots is a useful metric for certain calculations.
  • ❓ Recognizing patterns and organizing polynomials can reveal essential properties and simplify calculations.


So I'll tell you ahead of time, this problem is no joke. But if we do it step by step, it's actually not too bad. But it's not an easy problem, so don't get discouraged if you kind of don't even know where to start on this one right over here. So let p of x equal 24x to the 24th plus the sum from j equals 1 to 23 of 24 minus j times x to the 24th m... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How is p(x) initially defined and what variables are introduced?

p(x) is defined as 24x^24 + Σ(24 - j)(x^(24 - j) + x^(24 + j)) for j = 1 to 23. Variables like a_k, b_k, and z_k are introduced, indicating real numbers, coefficients, and distinct roots.

Q: What is the aim of finding the sum of the absolute values of the imaginary parts of the square of the roots?

The aim is to find m + n + p, where m, n, and p are integers and p is not divisible by the square of any prime, by summing the absolute values of the imaginary parts of the square of the roots of p(x).

Q: How does the video simplify the polynomial p(x)?

The video reorganizes p(x) from highest degree term to lowest degree term, revealing a pattern of increasing and decreasing coefficients. It then rewrites p(x) in a simplified form as x(x^23 + x^22 + ... + x + 1)^2.

Q: What is the significance of recognizing the pattern in squaring polynomials?

Recognizing the pattern allows for simplification of p(x) and reveals the coefficients of the simplified form, which are crucial for solving the problem of finding the sum of the absolute values of the imaginary parts of the square of the roots.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video introduces a polynomial, p(x), and defines several variables and equations related to its roots and coefficients.

  • The polynomial p(x) is rewritten in a simplified form, revealing a pattern in the coefficients.

  • A pattern in squaring polynomials is explained and used to simplify p(x) further.

  • The video concludes with the significance of the simplified form for solving the problem at hand.

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