Missing value addition and subtraction problems with negative numbers | 7th grade | Khan Academy | Summary and Q&A

May 27, 2015
Khan Academy
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Missing value addition and subtraction problems with negative numbers | 7th grade | Khan Academy


Learn how to add or subtract positive and negative numbers by using number lines.

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Key Insights

  • #️⃣ Number lines are useful tools for visualizing addition and subtraction of positive and negative numbers.
  • #️⃣ When subtracting, moving to the left on the number line indicates subtracting a positive number, whereas moving to the right indicates adding a negative number.
  • ❎ Adding a positive number to a negative number results in a value that is less negative.
  • #️⃣ Subtracting a negative number is equivalent to adding a positive number.


  • [Voiceover] What I hope to do in this video is go through a bunch of examples that will hopefully give us an even better understanding of what it means to add or subtract a positive or a negative number. And as I go through these, I encourage you to keep pausing the video and try to solve it on your own and then see how we can solve it together. ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can I determine the number needed to subtract from a given number to reach a negative value?

To determine the number needed to subtract, start at the given number on a number line and move to the left until you reach the desired negative value. Count the number of steps taken to determine the number to subtract.

Q: How can I determine the number needed to add to a negative number to reach a positive value?

Start at the negative number on a number line and move to the right until you reach the desired positive value. Count the number of steps taken to determine the number to add.

Q: Can you explain the process of adding and subtracting negative numbers with an example?

Sure! Let's say you need to find the value of -3 + (-5). Start at -3 on the number line and move 5 steps to the left. You will reach -8. Therefore, -3 + (-5) is equal to -8.

Q: What is the process for adding a positive number to a negative number?

Start at the negative number on the number line and move to the right by the value of the positive number. Count the number of steps taken to determine the final value.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video explains how to determine the number needed to add or subtract from a given number to reach another number on a number line.

  • Examples are provided to demonstrate how to add or subtract positive and negative numbers using number lines.

  • The concept is reiterated through various scenarios to help viewers grasp the concept more effectively.

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