Interview with Karina Murtagh | Summary and Q&A

May 1, 2015
Khan Academy
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Interview with Karina Murtagh


Khan Academy's office manager, Karina, shares her role in keeping the office running smoothly and the diverse tasks she handles on a daily basis.

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Key Insights

  • 🧑‍💼 Office managers at tech companies like Khan Academy have diverse responsibilities that go beyond traditional administrative tasks.
  • 🧑‍💼 A typical day for an office manager includes checking for any office issues, managing a long to-do list, and preparing for company meetings and events.
  • 🧑‍💼 Experience in managing offices across different locations can provide valuable skills and insight.
  • 🖐️ Office managers play a crucial role in supporting the overall functioning and success of a company.
  • 🤔 The tech industry requires office managers to be dynamic, agile, and quick-thinking in handling a variety of tasks.
  • 🧑‍💼 Office management can be personally fulfilling when it aligns with one's values and contributes to making a positive impact on the world.
  • 🧑‍💼 Khan Academy values the role of office managers and recognizes their contribution to the company's success.


i'm here with karina what do you do here at khan academy i'm khan academy's office manager so that means i do a little bit of everything in the office i keep everybody happy i keep our office stocked and filled with food and snacks and our technology working and i help our new hires and i help people in need and basically anything and everything th... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are some of the tasks an office manager at Khan Academy handles?

As the office manager, Karina is responsible for ensuring the office is stocked with supplies, assisting new hires, addressing inquiries, and planning and organizing company events such as weekly updates and developer meetings.

Q: Can you share an example of a challenging situation you faced as an office manager?

One memorable challenge was when a team member wanted to visualize 5 million by scattering rice on a brand new table. Karina had to clean up the mess and ensure no major damage occurred. Another challenge involved a gummy bear being burned on a table, causing anxiety for people passing by.

Q: How did Karina end up at Khan Academy?

Karina heard about Khan Academy while looking for a job closer to her home in San Jose. She wanted a personally fulfilling role that made an impact on the world, which aligned with Khan Academy's mission. After a successful interview, she joined the team and has been glad she did.

Q: What advice does Karina have for aspiring office managers?

Karina advises aspiring office managers to be open-minded in the tech industry. Office management in this context involves a wide range of tasks and requires quick thinking, agility, and the ability to interact with various groups. Being adaptable and willing to learn and grow are key to succeeding in this career.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Karina, the office manager at Khan Academy, handles a variety of tasks, including ensuring office supplies are stocked, helping new hires, responding to inquiries, and planning company events.

  • Her typical day involves checking the office for any issues, managing a long to-do list, and preparing for company meetings and events.

  • Before joining Khan Academy, Karina had a similar role at a startup and gained experience managing offices across different locations.

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