$100k/mo Agency Sales Call SOP (50% Conversion Rate) | Summary and Q&A

February 28, 2022
Charlie Morgan
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$100k/mo Agency Sales Call SOP (50% Conversion Rate)


Learn how to structure a discovery call by dividing it into five distinct parts: introduction, discovery, pitch, answers, and objection handling.

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Key Insights

  • 🆘 A structured discovery call helps ensure consistency, efficiency, and predictability in sales conversations.
  • 🥳 The five parts of a discovery call are introduction, discovery, pitch, answers, and objection handling.
  • 🍻 Conciseness, conviction, and linking answers to results are crucial elements in conducting a successful discovery call.
  • 🍵 Handling objections requires persistence and addressing the prospect's doubts and concerns effectively.


hey everyone it's charlie morgan and welcome back to another video so first things first i do apologize for the robe um i've just got out of bed to record this video uh you might be able to tell throughout the video but i thought very well i got a bit of a cold or something um not feeling too great i just sort of been being in bed but i have things... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is it important to have a structure for discovery calls?

Having a structure for discovery calls allows for consistency, efficiency, and predictability in sales conversations. It ensures that important information is covered and maximizes the chances of closing a deal.

Q: How long should each part of the discovery call be?

The introduction should be brief, around 30 seconds. The discovery section should take around 20 to 25 minutes. The pitch should be concise, lasting around 5 to 10 minutes. The answers section depends on the prospect's questions. Objection handling can take anywhere from 10 minutes to 45 minutes, depending on the objections raised.

Q: Why is conviction important during the pitch?

Pitching with conviction helps instill confidence in the prospect, showcasing the speaker's belief in their product or service's ability to deliver results. Conviction adds credibility and increases the chances of a prospect buying.

Q: How should objections be handled during a discovery call?

Objections should be met with persistence and a relentless attitude. It's important to address the underlying doubts and concerns of the prospect, providing evidence, guarantee, and reassurance. By effectively handling objections, the prospect's confidence in the product/service can be increased.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker discusses the importance of structuring a discovery call and shares their own process of conducting successful discovery calls.

  • The discovery call is divided into five parts: introduction, discovery, pitch, answers, and objection handling.

  • Key elements of the discovery call include concise intros, asking focused questions, delivering a compelling pitch, providing concise answers linked to results, and persistently handling objections.

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