I burned out with SMMA (the ugly truth) | Summary and Q&A

December 7, 2022
Charlie Morgan
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I burned out with SMMA (the ugly truth)


Burnout can be both horrible and gratifying, but it is important to understand your limits and leverage burnout as a tool for personal growth and success.

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Key Insights

  • 😥 Burnout can feel horrible but also gratifying due to the sense of accomplishment from working to the point of exhaustion.
  • 🤯 Burnout is a result of a buildup of stress hormones in the body and mind.
  • ⛔ Experiencing burnout once or twice can help individuals understand their limits and gradually extend their burnout threshold.
  • 💦 Operating at around 60 to 70 percent of one's burnout limit can sustain consistent work without reaching burnout.
  • 🧠 Burnout manifests in physical and mental symptoms, including anxiety, brain fog, fatigue, and reduced immune function.
  • 🤳 Differentiate between true burnout and self-sabotage, as burnout has severe physical symptoms while self-sabotage is more of a psychological resistance.
  • 🥺 Pushing the limits and recovering from burnout can lead to improved productivity and accomplishment.


burnout is a really interesting topic of conversation it's a really interesting thing to observe in yourself because it feels horrible but at the same time there's also this weird sense of Pride and gratification that you can derive from burnout because it makes you feel as if you have worked yourself to the point that you now can no longer work an... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is burnout and how does it manifest in the body and mind?

Burnout is the result of a buildup of stress hormones in the body and mind, leading to symptoms such as anxiety, disassociation from reality, brain fog, fatigue, and reduced immune function.

Q: Why is it helpful to experience burnout once or twice?

Experiencing burnout allows individuals to understand their true limits and capabilities. By pushing these limits and recovering from burnout, the burnout threshold can gradually be extended, leading to improved productivity.

Q: How can burnout be differentiated from self-sabotage?

Burnout is a biological state where the body and mind experience physical and mental exhaustion, making it impossible to work effectively. Self-sabotage, on the other hand, is a psychological resistance to work without the severe physical symptoms of burnout.

Q: How can individuals structure their work to avoid burnout?

Understanding one's burnout threshold is crucial. It is recommended to operate at around 60 to 70 percent of this limit to sustain consistent work without reaching the point of burnout. Regular breaks, healthy habits, and maintaining a work-life balance are also important.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker shares their personal experience with burnout and explains how it can help individuals understand their limits and capabilities.

  • Burnout is a buildup of stress hormones in the body and mind, leading to a point where one can no longer work effectively.

  • By pushing your limits and experiencing burnout, you can gradually extend your burnout threshold and achieve higher levels of productivity.

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