Victoria Smith


"as i’ve been saying in my last few teaser posts, i’ve been introduced to some great new software that allows you to bookmark your favorites images on the web, and keep them in a beautiful gallery for easy visual reference, and link back to the original source! and, now you are going to get to use it, too!"
Victoria Smith
this time, let's 'pin it forward'! - sfgirlbybay
"i’m happy to introduce and welcome you to pinterest! and, we’re going to invite you all to join the free membership, when you sign-up to participate in our new pin it forward blogger mashup! pinterest is a visual bookmarking site, where you can save images you find while browsing the web and organize them into collections, called pinboards.  you can create pinboards on everything, from vintage ceramics, to home decorating ideas, photographs, to your favorite chairs or even a recipe."
Victoria Smith
this time, let's 'pin it forward'! - sfgirlbybay
"• our theme this time is an inspiration board, or pinboard on “what home means to you”. that could mean home furnishings, pets, collections, family – what ever is unique to you as a person, and means home to you."
Victoria Smith
this time, let's 'pin it forward'! - sfgirlbybay
"so that’s the scoop! i think once you take a look and test drive pinterest you’ll see how easy it is to use! and, if you’re like me, you’ll be addicted! so, go sign up!"
Victoria Smith
this time, let's 'pin it forward'! - sfgirlbybay
"AH. MAY. ZING. a)I flipping LOVE this project idea, but 2) This is EXACTLY what I’ve needed to organize all the images I’ve been stockpiling in my starred list on Google Reader! Ahhh… I can feel the visual relief already… Can’t wait to see Pin It Forward take off!"
Victoria Smith
this time, let's 'pin it forward'! - sfgirlbybay
"synapse – yes – you can still sign up for pinterest. ben will send you an invitation. and you can always share your inspiration ‘visually’ which is very much how pinterest works."
Victoria Smith
this time, let's 'pin it forward'! - sfgirlbybay
"Yikes! This is waaaaaay too visually complex for me – I admire people who can use things like this and Tumblr, but I don’t think my brain works that way. Maybe if I didn’t already have a blog? (I’ve never had a mood board or inspiration board, either, so I suspect this really is just how my brain works. I am easily overstimulated by looking at too many things at once.)"
Victoria Smith
this time, let's 'pin it forward'! - sfgirlbybay
"ok here’s one that i didn’t read about on the comments yet! i don’t have a blog or a facebook. i am new to this club. i just enjoy and get my daily inspiration from reading your blog victoria, and save the pictures i like, decorating ideas and other blogs in folders on my laptop. i understand i need a facebook to sign up for pinterest but my college kids and highschooler would probably freak out if i opened one. my question is… will i still be able to access your blog and all that it includes by not having pinterest? or will i be out of the loop?"
Victoria Smith
this time, let's 'pin it forward'! - sfgirlbybay
"Amazing!!! I’ve been storing all of my inspiration photos in a single folder and have been frustrated so many times when I can’t access them on any other computers….but not any more!! I can’t wait to get my invitation and share my brand spanking new ideas of home with everyone (I’ve been nomadic for the past two years, but just signed a lease!!)."
Victoria Smith
this time, let's 'pin it forward'! - sfgirlbybay
"we will do another one for sure, and if someone drops out, we will be sure to start adding people from the waiting list!"
Victoria Smith
this time, let's 'pin it forward'! - sfgirlbybay
"Having blogged a couple of years ago – I just couldn’t keep up the time commitment while trying to rebuild my interior design business. To be honest, the process was so time consuming with partial coding, cut pasting, scanning or using flickr to upload individual files – I eventually stopped and just used my flickr to file my resource library."
Victoria Smith
this time, let's 'pin it forward'! - sfgirlbybay
"To now have facebook, tumblr, twitter, iphone apps like instagram to my new favourite pinterest – is fabulous. Such a great concept. Now if i could just combine my love of tumblr + designspiration + Pinterest + instagram + Flickr into one place – brilliant!"
Victoria Smith
this time, let's 'pin it forward'! - sfgirlbybay

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