Thomas Waschenfelder


"The small things that you do consistently matter more than the large things you do sporadically."
Thomas Waschenfelder
The Most Powerful Force You Can Harness: Slow, Incremental, Constant Progress - Ideas of wealth cre — Wealest
"consistency allows you to capture the awesome power of compounding - where small gains compound on each other to create massive change over time."
Thomas Waschenfelder
The Most Powerful Force You Can Harness: Slow, Incremental, Constant Progress - Ideas of wealth cre — Wealest
"as the Austrian philosopher, Ludwig Wittgenstein says, “To understand is to know what to do.” When you know what to do, success follows."
Thomas Waschenfelder
The Most Powerful Force You Can Harness: Slow, Incremental, Constant Progress - Ideas of wealth cre — Wealest
"Two models happen to be found in all three buckets: mirrored reciprocation, and dogged, incremental constant progress over a very long time period."
Thomas Waschenfelder
The Most Powerful Force You Can Harness: Slow, Incremental, Constant Progress - Ideas of wealth cre — Wealest
"mirrored reciprocation. This is the simple idea that you get back exactly what you put out into the world. Newton’s Third Law of Motion states that “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”"
Thomas Waschenfelder
The Most Powerful Force You Can Harness: Slow, Incremental, Constant Progress - Ideas of wealth cre — Wealest
"Every interaction you have with another human being is merely mirrored reciprocation"
Thomas Waschenfelder
The Most Powerful Force You Can Harness: Slow, Incremental, Constant Progress - Ideas of wealth cre — Wealest
"put out what it is you want to get back from the world. Over the long term, you’ll get what you deserve."
Thomas Waschenfelder
The Most Powerful Force You Can Harness: Slow, Incremental, Constant Progress - Ideas of wealth cre — Wealest
"Compound interest - what Albert Einstein called the most powerful force in the universe and the 8th wonder of the world - is nothing more than dogged incremental constant progress over a very long time frame."
Thomas Waschenfelder
The Most Powerful Force You Can Harness: Slow, Incremental, Constant Progress - Ideas of wealth cre — Wealest
"How many people do you know that are constant at what they do? I know a couple. Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger. Everybody wants to be rich like Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger. I’m telling you how they got rich. They were constant. They were not intermittent."
Thomas Waschenfelder
The Most Powerful Force You Can Harness: Slow, Incremental, Constant Progress - Ideas of wealth cre — Wealest
"The Secret To Success Is Consistency, Not Intensity."
Thomas Waschenfelder
The Most Powerful Force You Can Harness: Slow, Incremental, Constant Progress - Ideas of wealth cre — Wealest
"Intensity makes a good story. Consistency makes progress."
Thomas Waschenfelder
The Most Powerful Force You Can Harness: Slow, Incremental, Constant Progress - Ideas of wealth cre — Wealest
"Dogged incremental constant progress over a very long time frame"
Thomas Waschenfelder
The Most Powerful Force You Can Harness: Slow, Incremental, Constant Progress - Ideas of wealth cre — Wealest
"This is because consistency allows you to capture the awesome power of compounding - where small gains compound on each other to create massive change over time."
Thomas Waschenfelder
The Most Powerful Force You Can Harness: Slow, Incremental, Constant Progress - Ideas of wealth cre — Wealest
"The first mental model he explores is called mirrored reciprocation. This is the simple idea that you get back exactly what you put out into the world."
Thomas Waschenfelder
The Most Powerful Force You Can Harness: Slow, Incremental, Constant Progress - Ideas of wealth cre — Wealest
"“Every interaction you have with another human being is merely mirrored reciprocation… Now you’re going to say to yourself ‘This is too simple. It can’t be this simple…’ We looked into the three largest sample sizes that exist, the three most relevant, and they all said exactly the same thing. Do you think we can bank on that? 100 percent we can bank on that.”"
Thomas Waschenfelder
The Most Powerful Force You Can Harness: Slow, Incremental, Constant Progress - Ideas of wealth cre — Wealest
"To capture it, put out what it is you want to get back from the world. Over the long term, you’ll get what you deserve."
Thomas Waschenfelder
The Most Powerful Force You Can Harness: Slow, Incremental, Constant Progress - Ideas of wealth cre — Wealest
"Whenever you interrupt the constant increase above a certain level of threshold you lose compounding… You have to be constant."
Thomas Waschenfelder
The Most Powerful Force You Can Harness: Slow, Incremental, Constant Progress - Ideas of wealth cre — Wealest
"How many people do you know that are constant at what they do? I know a couple. Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger. Everybody wants to be rich like Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger. I’m telling you how they got rich. They were constant. They were not intermittent.”"
Thomas Waschenfelder
The Most Powerful Force You Can Harness: Slow, Incremental, Constant Progress - Ideas of wealth cre — Wealest
"You are a whopping 37 times better at the end of the year than when you started. This is why being a life-long learner is such an advantage."
Thomas Waschenfelder
The Most Powerful Force You Can Harness: Slow, Incremental, Constant Progress - Ideas of wealth cre — Wealest
"The small things you do consistently matter more than the large things you do sporadically because they compound over time. That’s the power of dogged, incremental constant progress over a very long time period."
Thomas Waschenfelder
The Most Powerful Force You Can Harness: Slow, Incremental, Constant Progress - Ideas of wealth cre — Wealest

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