Rasmus K. Ursem


"but I think concept maps have some advantages not seen in representation systems such as The Brain, Obsidian graphs or other visually oriented systems."
Rasmus K. Ursem
Concept maps — the hidden gem of personal knowledge management
"As you can see by this example, concept maps are good for associative knowledge and mind walking."
Rasmus K. Ursem
Concept maps — the hidden gem of personal knowledge management
"In my view, concept maps have three essential advantages over other graph based knowledge tools. First, the map is designed and arranged by hand. Second, nodes can be arbitrarily complex with nested images and texts as in the example above. Third, they allow tracking and mapping your knowledge horizon."
Rasmus K. Ursem
Concept maps — the hidden gem of personal knowledge management
"The slow design process of concept maps and the fixed placement of the nodes and edges allows you to take a mental picture of the map."
Rasmus K. Ursem
Concept maps — the hidden gem of personal knowledge management
"The creation of concept maps is a powerful way to arrange concepts in a way that support associative thinking. The slow manual process of constructing the maps allow you to think about the contents and capture your knowledge horizon."
Rasmus K. Ursem
Concept maps — the hidden gem of personal knowledge management
"Hence, concept maps are excellent for capturing and holding this knowledge horizon so you can return to the known unknowns when you have time and need to dig further."
Rasmus K. Ursem
Concept maps — the hidden gem of personal knowledge management
"Mr. Rumsfeld summarized the important idea of distinguishing between the “known knowns”, “known unknowns”, and the “unknown unknowns”."
Rasmus K. Ursem
Concept maps — the hidden gem of personal knowledge management
"You map be familiar with the idea of “known knowns” and “known unknowns” involuntarily made famous by Donald Rumsfeld."
Rasmus K. Ursem
Concept maps — the hidden gem of personal knowledge management
"The work you put into your maps and the process around it will eventually come to represent your own knowledge discovery journey."
Rasmus K. Ursem
Concept maps — the hidden gem of personal knowledge management
"It is a bit hard to express the value of this in writing, but fixating the nodes layout allow a kind of integration between the concept map and your (first) brain."
Rasmus K. Ursem
Concept maps — the hidden gem of personal knowledge management

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