Radhika Dutt


"the “missing bullet holes”, i.e. the areas on the plane where there were no bullet holes, were the best indicators of where armor was needed."
Radhika Dutt
Measure what matters: how to align your analytics with your product vision
"A data-driven approach to building your product is great — but only if you’re measuring the right things."
Radhika Dutt
Measure what matters: how to align your analytics with your product vision
"There are 3 steps to filling out the Measurement strategy:"
Radhika Dutt
Measure what matters: how to align your analytics with your product vision
"Step 1: Prioritize the elements of Product Strategy to be measured"
Radhika Dutt
Measure what matters: how to align your analytics with your product vision
"In early-stage companies, the top priority in measurement is usually Real Pain Points — it’s pointless to prove out Design, Capability, and Logistics before you prove out the Real Pain Points, since all of the other elements serve to solve those pain points."
Radhika Dutt
Measure what matters: how to align your analytics with your product vision
"Step 2: Decide the goals of each product strategy element that you want to prove out"
Radhika Dutt
Measure what matters: how to align your analytics with your product vision
"What questions would you want answered to validate the customer personas and their pain points you identified in your Product Strategy?"
Radhika Dutt
Measure what matters: how to align your analytics with your product vision
"Step 3: Describe how you would measure each of the goals listed"
Radhika Dutt
Measure what matters: how to align your analytics with your product vision
"What would you measure to prove each element in the previous step? What metrics would prove that the strategy is working and whether you’re getting closer to achieving your vision?"
Radhika Dutt
Measure what matters: how to align your analytics with your product vision
"Trying to improve all metrics, whether or not they materially impact business goals, leads to a product disease we call “hypermetricemia”. The biggest symptom? Making many small changes to the product and iterating to optimize metrics, but not necessarily getting any closer to your vision."
Radhika Dutt
Measure what matters: how to align your analytics with your product vision

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