Michael Moe


"The Coronavirus has instantly forced 1.6B students and teachers online."
Michael Moe
Dawn of the Age of Digital Learning
"We have a B.C. (Before Coronavirus) world transitioning to A.D. (After Disease)."
Michael Moe
Dawn of the Age of Digital Learning
"With 4.5B people joining the internet over the last 25 years, this Digital Infrastructure has lowered the barriers for individuals to access opportunities and connect on a global scale."
Michael Moe
Dawn of the Age of Digital Learning
"in B.C. only 30% of students were taking a course online. In A.D., essentially 100% of students are now taking their courses online."
Michael Moe
Dawn of the Age of Digital Learning
"To date, the enormous $7 Trillion global learning market has been growing at a steady 5% CAGR."
Michael Moe
Dawn of the Age of Digital Learning
"The transition to digital learning started with the rise of the internet over 25 years ago and has ballooned to a $160 Billion market today. Before Corona, it was projected to become a $440 Billion market by 2026, growing at an impressive 16% CAGR (5X global GDP growth)."
Michael Moe
Dawn of the Age of Digital Learning
"Currently, Digital Learning represents 2.3% ($160B) of the overall education sector, effectively where Ecommerce was in 2004."
Michael Moe
Dawn of the Age of Digital Learning
"We now believe Digital Learning will reach 11% of the education market by 2026, representing a ~$1 Trillion market and a 30% CAGR, close to double the rate of growth projected in B.C."
Michael Moe
Dawn of the Age of Digital Learning
"the SARS outbreak of 2002 combined with the growing internet penetration in China, resulted in the birth of modern E-Commerce. Alibaba alone experienced a 3–5x increase in users in March 2003 compared to pre-SARS"
Michael Moe
Dawn of the Age of Digital Learning
"Between Kindergarten and 12th grade, students spend 12,000 hours playing video games on average… approximately the same time they spend in the classroom."
Michael Moe
Dawn of the Age of Digital Learning
"Developing games that students want to play while learning key materials subliminally i.e. Invisible Learning, is a huge opportunity."
Michael Moe
Dawn of the Age of Digital Learning
"Peer-to-Peer — studies have shown that the best way to learn a subject is to teach somebody else."
Michael Moe
Dawn of the Age of Digital Learning
"With accelerated and personalized learning, students will be able to advance based on competency. The one-size-fits-all style of education will become transformed into bespoke learning."
Michael Moe
Dawn of the Age of Digital Learning
"35.2% of the $630B in US college endowments are in stocks"
Michael Moe
Dawn of the Age of Digital Learning
"Of the 4500 institutions in the US, only 104 have endowments over $1 Billion, according to a study done by the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) and TIAA. Moreover, there are only another 368 universities with endowments over $100M."
Michael Moe
Dawn of the Age of Digital Learning
"regional brand equity in the higher education space will also become less meaningful in the digital age. Top universities with accessible, online platforms, like ASU and SNHU, will soon replace small hometown colleges across the country."
Michael Moe
Dawn of the Age of Digital Learning
"with the number of students in higher ed doubling from 207M today to 414M by 2030, all of this growth will be happening online."
Michael Moe
Dawn of the Age of Digital Learning
"“More than 50% of the workforce is going to need to be re-skilled in the next three years.” — David Blake, CEO of Learn In; Founder of Degreed"
Michael Moe
Dawn of the Age of Digital Learning
"The degree is no longer the sole ticket for career opportunity and is augmented by other ways to demonstrate capability such as with certificates, badges, and other “Knowledge Currency”."
Michael Moe
Dawn of the Age of Digital Learning
"The category of applications that saw the most usage as a result of the Coronavirus was primarily communication applications that can utilize unique features of smartphones that in-turn allow for more on-demand, multi-faceted use cases further promoting connectivity."
Michael Moe
Dawn of the Age of Digital Learning
"LMSs including Canvas, Blackboard, and more are seeing unprecedented spikes in usage as higher ed institutions are relying on this infrastructure to transition their classes online."
Michael Moe
Dawn of the Age of Digital Learning
"“How you learn matters less than what you ended up learning.” — Sal Khan, Founder of Khan Academy"
Michael Moe
Dawn of the Age of Digital Learning

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