Jessie Chen


"When and why A/B testing"
Jessie Chen
How Netflix does A/B Testing
"Once you have a design in production, use A/B testing to tweak the design and target two key metrics: retention and revenue."
Jessie Chen
How Netflix does A/B Testing
"By A/B testing changes throughout the product and tracking users over time, you can see whether your change improves retention or increases revenue."
Jessie Chen
How Netflix does A/B Testing
"Are your users finding or doing one thing you want them to find or to do?"
Jessie Chen
How Netflix does A/B Testing
"Are your intuitions correct?"
Jessie Chen
How Netflix does A/B Testing
"Explore the boundaries"
Jessie Chen
How Netflix does A/B Testing
"Observe what people do, not what they say"
Jessie Chen
How Netflix does A/B Testing
"Use data to estimate size of opportunity"
Jessie Chen
How Netflix does A/B Testing
"• It’s always about the whys"
Jessie Chen
How Netflix does A/B Testing
"• Data can help shape ideas"
Jessie Chen
How Netflix does A/B Testing
"• Check if any A/B testing are in conflict"
Jessie Chen
How Netflix does A/B Testing

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