Hugh McFall


"1. Better prioritize feature announcements"
Hugh McFall
5 product marketing tips to help your startup cross the chasm
"2. Stay focused and responsive with weekly sprint cycles"
Hugh McFall
5 product marketing tips to help your startup cross the chasm
"We realized that agile project management could work for marketing, too, in our own way."
Hugh McFall
5 product marketing tips to help your startup cross the chasm
"But we’ve found it most important just to start with an agile workflow, have open discussions with your team about what works and what doesn’t, and constantly refine it."
Hugh McFall
5 product marketing tips to help your startup cross the chasm
"There are two main problems that come up when you don’t prioritize your feature announcements, and they’re important:"
Hugh McFall
5 product marketing tips to help your startup cross the chasm
"first, you only get so many opportunities to hold the attention of your target audience. You don’t want to lose your their trust and attention by crying wolf on features that aren’t that important to the majority of them."
Hugh McFall
5 product marketing tips to help your startup cross the chasm
"you can’t waste time promoting a minor, untested feature, for example, if your time could be better spent promoting a bigger, more significant release that’s more likely to drive new business."
Hugh McFall
5 product marketing tips to help your startup cross the chasm
"For every feature or product we build, the product marketing team — often with the input from product, sales, and support — uses a simple 2x2 matrix to assign a priority level, from P1 to P4:"
Hugh McFall
5 product marketing tips to help your startup cross the chasm
"3. Put the product on the shelf"
Hugh McFall
5 product marketing tips to help your startup cross the chasm
"product management puts the product on the shelf, while product marketing handles getting it off the shelf."
Hugh McFall
5 product marketing tips to help your startup cross the chasm
"As a product marketer, you have a big role to play in figuring out what to build, who it’s for, who it’s not for, how it works, what it’s called, and more."
Hugh McFall
5 product marketing tips to help your startup cross the chasm
"Messaging: Work with your product manager to turn your internal positioning statements into customer-facing messaging."
Hugh McFall
5 product marketing tips to help your startup cross the chasm
"Getting involved in beta testing:"
Hugh McFall
5 product marketing tips to help your startup cross the chasm
"By putting the product on the shelf, then giving your sales team the tools and resources to get it off the shelf, product marketers cement themselves as the linchpin between product management and sales."
Hugh McFall
5 product marketing tips to help your startup cross the chasm
"4. Launch day is halfway. Take your product on a book tour"
Hugh McFall
5 product marketing tips to help your startup cross the chasm
"Launch day is the dividing line between product marketing and product education. But at smaller startups, especially those without a demand generation manager, product marketers end up being responsible for both."
Hugh McFall
5 product marketing tips to help your startup cross the chasm
"I’ve found it helpful to think of your work like it’s a book tour: in the days and months after your launch you should be speaking at events, doing media interviews and Q&A’s, hosting training webinars, and writing guest blog posts."
Hugh McFall
5 product marketing tips to help your startup cross the chasm
"5. Empower your customers to do the talking"
Hugh McFall
5 product marketing tips to help your startup cross the chasm
"It’s going to come from good worth of mouth from your existing customers."
Hugh McFall
5 product marketing tips to help your startup cross the chasm
"Great positioning and messaging are table stakes: it gives your customers a simple, compelling story to tell for every new release."
Hugh McFall
5 product marketing tips to help your startup cross the chasm
"Get them involved in launch day"
Hugh McFall
5 product marketing tips to help your startup cross the chasm
"Support their talks at industry events:"
Hugh McFall
5 product marketing tips to help your startup cross the chasm
"If you’re in B2B, many of your customers will want to share how they’ve implemented new technology like yours at conference keynotes and talks."
Hugh McFall
5 product marketing tips to help your startup cross the chasm

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