Gloria Lo


"Understand. Map out the problem and pick an important area to focus. Ideate. Sketch out competing solutions on paper. Decide. Make decisions and turn your ideas into a testable hypothesis. Prototype. Hack together a realistic prototype. Test. Get feedback from real live users."
Gloria Lo
What’s a Design Sprint and why is it important?
"No devices are allowed in the room. This is so that the entire team is focussed one hundred percent of the time."
Gloria Lo
What’s a Design Sprint and why is it important?
"Monday: Understand the problem"
Gloria Lo
What’s a Design Sprint and why is it important?
"What is the long term goal?"
Gloria Lo
What’s a Design Sprint and why is it important?
"Swim lane diagram."
Gloria Lo
What’s a Design Sprint and why is it important?
"Tuesday: Ideate the solutions"
Gloria Lo
What’s a Design Sprint and why is it important?
"four-step sketch method"
Gloria Lo
What’s a Design Sprint and why is it important?
"Notes. Start with twenty minutes to take notes of the goal, opportunities and inspiration you’ve collected earlier on. Ideas. Spend another twenty minutes drawing out rough ideas to form your thoughts. Crazy 8s. Take your strongest solution and sketch out eight different variations of it in eight minutes, known as the ‘Crazy 8s’ exercise. Solution sketch. Draw a detailed end to end solution for the problem in the next thirty minutes or more."
Gloria Lo
What’s a Design Sprint and why is it important?
"Wednesday: Make a decision"
Gloria Lo
What’s a Design Sprint and why is it important?
"Thursday: Create a prototype"
Gloria Lo
What’s a Design Sprint and why is it important?
"Friday: Test your prototype with users"
Gloria Lo
What’s a Design Sprint and why is it important?

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