Dick Bourgeois-Doyle


"""I think Richard's lack in co-operation is due mainly to lack of attention. His little mind seems completely occupied with his own thoughts ..."" )"
Dick Bourgeois-Doyle
Why imagination is more important than knowledge - Science.gc.ca
"""imagination is more important than knowledge"""
Dick Bourgeois-Doyle
Why imagination is more important than knowledge - Science.gc.ca
"""A vivid imagination frees you from the bounds of deductive reasoning,"""
Dick Bourgeois-Doyle
Why imagination is more important than knowledge - Science.gc.ca
"""The truly creative and innovative are not stymied by an unclear path or lack of knowledge, they imagine the goal, what they want to achieve, and then build the path to it."""
Dick Bourgeois-Doyle
Why imagination is more important than knowledge - Science.gc.ca
"most participants described it as the function of three forces:"
Dick Bourgeois-Doyle
Why imagination is more important than knowledge - Science.gc.ca
"knowledge and technical skill; emotional strength; and, routinely, imagination."
Dick Bourgeois-Doyle
Why imagination is more important than knowledge - Science.gc.ca
"Knowledge and technical skill are the tools that turn an idea into reality, and emotional strength earns mention because many great achievers endure discouragement and disparagement on the route to creative success."
Dick Bourgeois-Doyle
Why imagination is more important than knowledge - Science.gc.ca
"It could not only harness, shape, and engage requisite knowledge, talent, and technical skill, but also mobilize them and put them into persistent action with empowering emotional associations."
Dick Bourgeois-Doyle
Why imagination is more important than knowledge - Science.gc.ca
"Frye noted that we live much, if not the preponderance of our lives, in the imaginary world, projecting the future, reflecting on the past, and trying to deduce the true nature of the present."
Dick Bourgeois-Doyle
Why imagination is more important than knowledge - Science.gc.ca
"""As a scientist, I want my imagination rekindled - I want to be shown how to look at things in new ways,"" he once told an Ottawa audience. ""The arts...have a way of opening the mind - they stimulate the synapses and make one more receptive to creativity."""
Dick Bourgeois-Doyle
Why imagination is more important than knowledge - Science.gc.ca
"Knowledge and skill are essential, but an educated and directed imagination whether described by an oil painting or an engineer's plan can mobilize them with spirit and energy."
Dick Bourgeois-Doyle
Why imagination is more important than knowledge - Science.gc.ca
"It therefore stands that if you can link your intellectual ambitions to emotional motivation, you yoke a powerful duo, and it seems that the instrument that links the two can be a visual image that is technically vivid and emotionally touching."
Dick Bourgeois-Doyle
Why imagination is more important than knowledge - Science.gc.ca
"""if I could be hurled back in time to undergraduate days, I would want someone to whisper in my ear and tell me of the power of imagination in the literal sense, to tell me to develop and apply my ability to visualize things I wanted to do and to link them to things that evoked the emotions I wanted to feel in the process."""
Dick Bourgeois-Doyle
Why imagination is more important than knowledge - Science.gc.ca

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