David Riemer

David Riemer is an experienced tech executive and marketer with a diverse background. He has led the J. Walter Thompson ad agency in San Francisco and held senior marketing positions at startups. Notably, he served as the VP of Marketing at Yahoo! during its successful period. Presently, David is the founder of Box Out Industries, where he assists entrepreneurs, product managers, and marketers in crafting and communicating their product narratives.


"the catchphrases come last—first comes a deep understanding of the customer those companies are trying to reach, what they need, and how the product meets that need. Figure that out, and the words will flow."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"“Recent breakthroughs in neuroscience reveal that our brain is hardwired to respond to story; the pleasure we derive from a tale well told is nature’s way of seducing us into paying attention to it. Story, as it turns out, was crucial to our evolution—more so than opposable thumbs. Opposable thumbs let us hang on; story told us what to hang on to.”"
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"Jack Dorsey, “The Power of Curiosity and Inspiration,” Stanford University Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders Seminar (lecture viewable on YouTube), February 9, 2011."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"Get Your Startup Story Straight is for entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs looking to solve problems or create something new."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"He made himself vulnerable by telling a personal story about one of the most critical moments in his life."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"Most successful entrepreneurs are driven by the belief that there’s a better way. They envision a future world with their product in it that’s better than the current world without it."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"The best entrepreneurs know exactly what problem they’re trying to solve and for whom they are solving it."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"to be successful as an entrepreneur, Matt needed more than proof of his passion for solving this problem. He also needed a great product story that demonstrated a deep understanding of his customer, a clear sense of the problem he was going to solve, and a solution that did so better than the existing alternatives."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"An innovator like Matt must tirelessly develop hypotheses and continually refine his story based on user feedback to make sure he is getting the story straight."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"“Story is rooted in causal logic. . . . A story begins when something throws life out of balance. . . . There are forces in opposition to you that will resist your efforts. . . . Eventually, you will be able to restore balance.”"
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"Your protagonist needs to have a clear intention, and there must be a formidable obstacle standing in the way of them getting it. He says that these two essential elements compose the “drive shaft” that creates the friction and tension essential for drama."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"Mark recognized that Dustin’s intention was to get a girlfriend, but he also observed one of the most powerful human emotions in Dustin—fear of rejection."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"Every great story has a protagonist whose motivations we fully understand. Likewise, for every innovation there must be a set of customers who benefit from the creation. A deep understanding of the customer and his pain points leads to the precise problem that your innovation will solve."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"the simplest directive for building stories: “Just make me care.”"
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"Who is the protagonist? What are their motivations, and why do they feel that way? What is the conflict in the story? How does it resolve? Where does the story take place?"
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"Many aspiring entrepreneurs develop a tool, but they haven’t figured out yet precisely who’s going to use it and why."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"Someone has probably tried to solve this or a similar problem before. So how is this innovation different and better than the other ways people solve the same problem today?"
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"The six frames of our storyboard are 1. the customer (protagonist) 2. customer insights (intention and obstacles) 3. the problem definition (central conflict) 4. the value proposition (aspiration) 5. how the product works (plot) 6. competitive context (setting)"
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"If something isn’t working, keep tweaking the storyboard like the Pixar guys until all the elements fit nicely together."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"Some innovations start with the discovery of a new technology or science, but to create a successful product, the innovator must eventually identify the customer who will want and use that technology."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"Featuring the person who has the greatest pain—and the most to gain—is simplest."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"it’s best to build the core narrative around whoever suffers more."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"The story of the person suffering the most is likely the richest one to tell."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"The greater the pain, the greater the opportunity for gain. The pain points form the basis for the problem you plan to solve."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"It’s useful to employ the Three Whys approach. Ask why the customer feels a certain way. Then ask, “Why is that?” And finally, ask, “And why is that?” Three Whys."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"When you discover the deep-seated motivation behind your customer, it often opens new doors for telling the story, but it’s equally helpful for informing what to build in the first place."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"Before you get to the problem, you need to understand your customer’s functional, social, and emotional needs."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"The best innovators know their story—especially what’s at the heart of the story—and so does everyone on their team."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"In an innovation narrative, we need to identify the conflict in our story, which takes the form of the exact problem the customer hopes to overcome. Once we understand that barrier, we can turn it into a clear—and specific—problem definition for the innovator to solve."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"One of the most significant challenges for the innovator is framing the problem. If framed too broadly, it’s hard to know where to start to create a minimum viable product (MVP) that effectively solves the problem. But if the problem is framed too narrowly, it might limit the power of the solution."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"We move up the ladder of abstraction by asking the question, “Why is this important?” We move down the ladder by asking, “What’s stopping you?” In this way, we can craft the right-sized problem statement."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"Albert Einstein allegedly said, “If I had an hour to solve a problem, I’d spend fifty-five minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes thinking about solutions.”"
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"The clearer the conflict, the easier it is for the audience to follow the story and root for the hero."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"To derive a strong value proposition, I suggest that innovators try to complete one of the following sentences: “Now I can . . . ” or “Now I can have . . .” There’s something you couldn’t do before, but now you can."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"When the note-taking app Evernote was launched, their tagline was “Remember Everything.” Their symbol is the elephant, because of the old saying that an elephant never forgets."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"There’s only so much information a listener can retain. If you can explain your product simply—in three points—your audience should be able to recall how your product works."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"How are people solving the problem today? What do they like about the current solutions? What bugs them? Who are your competitors, and how is your idea different and better than the alternatives?"
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"You must regularly reassess and refine it to ensure that your story elements reflect everything you’ve learned from your customer and competitors as you bring your idea to the world."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"The power of understanding story framework is that it forces the innovator to think about the protagonist in their narrative. The protagonist is the customer."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"The combination of all those elements—customer, need, problem, solution—is required to transform a technology into a product. Finding a business model and way to go to market is what transforms your product into a business."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"If your product story is not resonating with your customer, you need to change it. Story is strategy, and if the story isn’t working, the strategy must change."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"As a listener, I’m not interested in your revenue model, market size, or any other business considerations until I believe that you’ve identified a customer with a real problem that you’ve figured out how to solve."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"The title slide: What is your vision for this innovation?"
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"If, on the other hand, you never figure out the narrative, you’ll probably end up like one unfortunate product that didn’t make it—Google Wave."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"There are too many enemies for a good idea to survive on its own. Short attention spans, competing ideas, and risk aversion typically thwart innovation."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"how does the innovator break through all this noise? Storytelling. Successful innovations require passionate advocates who can tell a great story. An inspired storyteller grabs the audience’s attention and gets them excited about a new idea."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"Stories helped us build better tools and become more skilled hunters. They taught us how to behave. Through powerful narratives we shared information more broadly so that we could organize larger groups."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"We could even paint a picture of what a future world could look like. Those stories inspired communities, and ultimately civilizations, to bring that vision to fruition."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"When we listen to a story, we effectively put ourselves in the shoes of the protagonist."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"Marco Iacoboni describes how our mirror neurons are activated when this happens.7 They allow us to feel what others experience as if we were in the story ourselves."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"“Fiction seems to be more effective at changing beliefs than writing that is specifically designed to persuade through argument and evidence.”"
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"Great stories pique our curiosity; we must know what’s going to happen next. The most captivating stories begin with a conflict or a series of conflicts that the protagonist must overcome. Again, this all comes down to survival."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"1. Find the emotional hook. 2. Convey the logic in the story. 3. Make the story understandable."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"“When the brain detects an emotionally charged event, the amygdala releases dopamine into the system. Because dopamine greatly aids memory and information processing, you could say it creates a Post-it note that reads, ‘Remember this.’”"
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"information is up to twenty-two times more memorable when delivered in narrative form."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"A personal story is a storyteller’s secret weapon."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"When you are fighting to defend your idea, your most powerful ally is the customer. Bring them into the room (at least figuratively) and make their pain as real as possible."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"When we see or hear something dramatic, it activates a hormone called cortisol, the stress gland. This makes us focus."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"Black Lives Matter and MeToo—strongly support this. These social justice movements were a product of shared frustration and anger among a large group of disenfranchised people. They both used social media to rapidly fuel the passion of others who shared a similar enthusiasm for these issues."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"The storyteller’s job is to make sure that anyone in her audience can empathize with the character in the story, even if it’s not in their own life experience."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"Everyone has a story. The best personal stories include some extraordinary obstacles to overcome."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"If the storyteller is able to find the emotional hook, they’ve accomplished their number-one goal. They’ve told a memorable story."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"To make your story compelling, always be sure to connect the dots. Set up the story and pay it off. Your narrative must make sense."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"One approach is to introduce a compelling statistic that dramatically illustrates the scale of the problem. Don’t overburden your audience with numbers; rather, find a single data point that demonstrates the magnitude of the issue."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"In her UN speech, Komal explained that 50 million people go to bed hungry every night, while 365 million pounds of perfectly good food gets tossed in the trash every single day in America."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"One foolproof strategy to romance the problem is identifying the enemy and making your product the hero."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"Why now? Timing is everything. Your innovation narrative will be more compelling if the solution is particularly timely. Convey that now is the perfect moment to address the problem that you’ve identified."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"It was a great reminder that innovation is the thing. Always make the product the centerpiece of the show!"
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"The key to making a story clear is to keep it short. Half of the art of telling an understandable story is deciding which parts to leave out!"
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"If the idea you are developing is a bit hard to grasp, an analog will often help your audience understand it."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"Pace yourself. Pause where necessary for dramatic effect."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"You’ve learned that your objective as a storyteller is to persuade your audience. If you’re memorable, compelling, and clear, there’s a high chance the listener will become intrigued by your innovation and tell someone about it."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"Chris made it clear that Kevin showed a quality that investors always look for in great entrepreneurs: conviction. Extreme conviction."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"A great story is one that everyone can retell, that they want to retell. It should be simple, clear, and compelling."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"Overcoming the monster • Rags to riches • The quest • Voyage and return • Rebirth • Comedy • Tragedy"
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"“Be authentic. Be true to what you believe in. And tell everyone about it.”"
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"They have learned that a strong purpose narrative enables a company to have everyone rowing—or in this case, riding—in the same direction."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"A strong purpose can inspire employees, investors, and partners. By sharing your mission through a compelling story, you can galvanize the community of supporters you’ll need to make it happen."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"without a story—without a face—that data did not resonate with the vast majority of Americans."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"Innovators paint a picture of two worlds: the one we’re in and the one we could be in. The one we could be in is better and brighter than the one in which we’re currently living. The innovator’s product or service then becomes the catalyst to create the future world."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"By listening to your customers, you are gaining a deeper connection with the protagonist in your story. That richer understanding informs everything else in the story, including the innovation itself."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"“There’s so many other people that have the potential to make my story nothing if they can just get their hands on the ability to learn.”"
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
"When your product is a bit more established, you will have customers. Listen to them, and they may just share the perfect story of their experience to enable you to tell yours."
David Riemer
Get Your Startup Story Straight: The Definitive Storytelling Framework for Innovators and Entrepreneurs

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