David Odier


"There’s no silver bullet for nailing your go-to-market (GTM) strategy, but it’s best to think about this strategy as a process. There are three key stages, and being thoughtful about all three will put you on track for growth."
David Odier
Startups, nail your go-to-market in three phases
"1/ Start with lots of customer research and a soft launch"
David Odier
Startups, nail your go-to-market in three phases
"This is the first commercialisation phase where a small group is paying for your solution. It’s the time when you have a lot of conversations with your customers to understand how you can make their lives easier and why they signed up in the first place. You are not trying to actively promote your product."
David Odier
Startups, nail your go-to-market in three phases
"Founders often confuse the soft launch of a product with reaching product-market fit. You’ve reached product-market fit when customers are willing to pay for your product and churn is under control."
David Odier
Startups, nail your go-to-market in three phases
"Hit your network to gain those initial customers. People you know personally will be more willing to help than any internet stranger"
David Odier
Startups, nail your go-to-market in three phases
"The best way to go about this is a heavy customer research phase as you build the product. This will help you make sure you are developing a product that people want rather than creating something based on your intuition."
David Odier
Startups, nail your go-to-market in three phases
"To sum up, before entering an aggressive GTM strategy, ensure that you have enough paying customers through a soft launch to deploy your go-to-market plan."
David Odier
Startups, nail your go-to-market in three phases
"2/ Maximise the impact of your GTM with near-perfect product messaging"
David Odier
Startups, nail your go-to-market in three phases
"Prepare your GTM plan by focusing almost entirely on that uniqueness and take a step back. Think together with your team: who would benefit the most from this unique value we are creating?"
David Odier
Startups, nail your go-to-market in three phases
"Invest some time in this process. The answer is probably not as straightforward as you think it is, and it requires a deep dive into your market."
David Odier
Startups, nail your go-to-market in three phases
"3/ When does GTM end, and what do you do from there?"
David Odier
Startups, nail your go-to-market in three phases
"You need more than one North Star metric to safely say you should move from talking about GTM to the growth phase."
David Odier
Startups, nail your go-to-market in three phases
"My definition of a GTM ending and the start of a growth phase is when a company grows their revenues by more than 10% month-on-month several months in a row and the return on your marketing investments (eg. ads, providers, team) is higher than two."
David Odier
Startups, nail your go-to-market in three phases
"Many founders have the wrong assumption that they must excel on ads, SEO, social media, business development, partnerships etc. But the most successful startups focus almost exclusively on one or two channels that they absolutely master."
David Odier
Startups, nail your go-to-market in three phases

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