Christian Jarrett


"One psychoanalytical explanation for collecting is that unloved children learn to seek comfort in accumulating belongings;"
Christian Jarrett
Why do we collect things? Love, anxiety or desire
"another is that collecting is motivated by existential anxieties – the collection, an extension of our identity, lives on, even though we do not."
Christian Jarrett
Why do we collect things? Love, anxiety or desire
"More recently, evolutionary theorists suggested that a collection was a way for a man to attract potential mates by signalling his ability to accumulate resources."
Christian Jarrett
Why do we collect things? Love, anxiety or desire
"endowment effect, which describes our tendency to value things more once we own them."
Christian Jarrett
Why do we collect things? Love, anxiety or desire
"Humans are unique in the way we collect items purely for the satisfaction of seeking and owning them."
Christian Jarrett
Why do we collect things? Love, anxiety or desire

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