Ben Casnocha


"Reid’s first principle is speed."
Ben Casnocha
Reid Hoffman’s Two Rules for Strategy Decisions
"“If you aren’t embarrassed by the first version of your product, you shipped too late.”"
Ben Casnocha
Reid Hoffman’s Two Rules for Strategy Decisions
"“In founding a startup, you throw yourself off a cliff and build an airplane on the way down.”"
Ben Casnocha
Reid Hoffman’s Two Rules for Strategy Decisions
"If you’re a manager and care seriously about speed, you’ll need to tell your people you’re willing to accept the tradeoffs."
Ben Casnocha
Reid Hoffman’s Two Rules for Strategy Decisions
"“In order to move fast, I expect you’ll make some foot faults. I’m okay with an error rate of 10-20% — times when I would have made a different decision in a given situation — if it means you can move fast.”"
Ben Casnocha
Reid Hoffman’s Two Rules for Strategy Decisions
"Reid’s second principle is simplicity"
Ben Casnocha
Reid Hoffman’s Two Rules for Strategy Decisions
"In situations with many paths, Reid frequently groups the possible options into “light, medium, heavy” or “easy, medium, hard.”"
Ben Casnocha
Reid Hoffman’s Two Rules for Strategy Decisions
"Reid said, “There needs to be one decisive reason. And then the worthiness of the trip needs to be measured against that one reason. If I go, then we can backfill into the schedule all the other secondary activities. But if I go for a blended reason, I’ll almost surely come back and feel like it was a waste a time.”"
Ben Casnocha
Reid Hoffman’s Two Rules for Strategy Decisions
"If you come up with a list of many reasons to do something, Nassim Taleb once wrote, you are trying to convince yourself — if there isn’t one clear reason, don’t do it."
Ben Casnocha
Reid Hoffman’s Two Rules for Strategy Decisions

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