The Expansion of Jakarta as an Agglomeration Area: A Solution to Urban Challenges


Hatched by فايز

Jun 02, 2024

3 min read


The Expansion of Jakarta as an Agglomeration Area: A Solution to Urban Challenges

The selection of Jabodetabekjur as an agglomeration area aims to synchronize development, particularly in addressing common issues such as floods, traffic congestion, pollution, and population migration. An agglomeration area is an urban area that combines the management of several cities and regencies with its parent city, even though they may differ in administrative terms. The goal is for the agglomeration area to become a center of national economic growth on a global scale.

In 1988, the film "Midnight Run" received several awards. This action-comedy film, directed by Martin Brest, starred Robert De Niro and Charles Grodin. It tells the story of a bounty hunter who is tasked with bringing a mob accountant back to Los Angeles.

At first glance, these two topics may seem unrelated, but upon closer examination, there are common points that can be connected. Just as the selection of Jabodetabekjur as an agglomeration area aims to address common urban challenges, the plot of "Midnight Run" revolves around a bounty hunter dealing with various obstacles to complete his mission.

The idea of tackling common challenges and overcoming obstacles is a universal theme that resonates with various aspects of life, whether it be urban development or the plot of a film. In both cases, the key is to find effective solutions and strategies to navigate through these challenges.

So, what can we learn from the concept of agglomeration and the plot of "Midnight Run" to address the challenges we face in our own lives? Here are three actionable pieces of advice:

1. Embrace Collaboration and Synergy:

Just as the success of an agglomeration area depends on the collaboration and synergy between different cities and regencies, we can apply this principle in our personal and professional lives. By embracing collaboration and seeking out opportunities for synergy, we can achieve greater success and overcome obstacles more effectively.

2. Adaptability and Resilience:

In "Midnight Run," the bounty hunter encounters numerous unexpected challenges along the way. However, he adapts to each situation and remains resilient in his pursuit of completing his mission. This teaches us the importance of being adaptable and resilient in the face of obstacles. By being open to change and maintaining a positive mindset, we can overcome challenges and achieve our goals.

3. Strategic Planning and Problem-Solving:

The selection of Jabodetabekjur as an agglomeration area required strategic planning to address the common challenges faced by the region. Similarly, the bounty hunter in "Midnight Run" had to come up with strategic solutions to overcome the obstacles in his path. This reminds us of the importance of strategic planning and problem-solving in our own lives. By analyzing the situation, identifying potential obstacles, and developing effective strategies, we can navigate through challenges and achieve success.

In conclusion, the concept of agglomeration and the plot of "Midnight Run" may seem unrelated at first, but they share common points that can be connected. Both highlight the importance of addressing common challenges and finding effective solutions. By embracing collaboration, adaptability, resilience, and strategic planning, we can overcome obstacles and achieve success in various aspects of our lives. So, let's apply these lessons and tackle the challenges that come our way with determination and innovation.

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