The Remarkable Contributions of Fatimah Al-Fihri: Founder of the Oldest University and the Expansion of Jakarta as an Agglomeration Area


Hatched by فايز

Jun 18, 2024

3 min read


The Remarkable Contributions of Fatimah Al-Fihri: Founder of the Oldest University and the Expansion of Jakarta as an Agglomeration Area


Fatimah Al-Fihri, a prominent Muslim figure, made significant contributions to the field of education during the Golden Age of Islam. She is best known as the founder of Al-Qarawiyyin, the oldest university in the world. In this article, we will explore her life and achievements, as well as the expansion of Jakarta as an agglomeration area.

Fatimah Al-Fihri: A Pioneer in Education:

Fatimah Al-Fihri was born in 800 AD in Kairouan, Tunisia. She was the daughter of Abdullah Muhammad Al-Fihri, a renowned wealthy merchant who migrated from Kairouan to Fes, Morocco during the reign of King Idris II. Fatimah and her sister, Mariam Al-Fihri, inherited abundant wealth from their father and late husband, who were both affluent individuals.

However, instead of indulging in personal wealth, Fatimah chose to dedicate her resources for the benefit of the community. She generously donated her inheritance to establish the Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque and the Al-Andalus Mosque, demonstrating her selflessness and commitment to the advancement of education.

The Founding of Al-Qarawiyyin:

Al-Qarawiyyin University, founded by Fatimah Al-Fihri, is recognized as one of the oldest universities in the world. Notably, it was not limited to Muslim students, but also welcomed students from various religions and beliefs. Paus Silvester II and Nicolas Cleynaerts, prominent figures from the West, studied at Al-Qarawiyyin during their youth, highlighting the university's reputation and inclusivity.

In addition to these notable individuals, other influential Muslim scholars such as Abu Al-Abbas Az-Zawawi and Ibn Khaldun also received their education at Al-Qarawiyyin. The existence of this university in Morocco served as an inspiration for the establishment of several other oldest universities worldwide, further emphasizing its global significance.

The Rich Manuscript Collection:

One of the distinguishing features of Al-Qarawiyyin University is its extensive collection of historical manuscripts. The university's library houses more than 4,000 rare books, which can be traced back to the 9th century. These manuscripts, including the renowned Al-Muwatta written by Imam Malik, serve as valuable historical archives that have been meticulously preserved for centuries.

The Expansion of Jakarta as an Agglomeration Area:

Apart from the remarkable achievements of Fatimah Al-Fihri, we shift our focus to the expansion of Jakarta as an agglomeration area. The selection of Jabodetabekjur, which encompasses Jakarta and its surrounding areas, aims to synchronize development efforts, particularly in addressing common challenges such as floods, traffic congestion, pollution, and population migration.

An agglomeration area refers to an urban area that integrates the management of several cities and regencies, even if they differ administratively. The objective of establishing an agglomeration area is to create a centralized hub for national economic growth on a global scale.

Connecting the Common Points:

Although seemingly unrelated, the stories of Fatimah Al-Fihri and the expansion of Jakarta share common points. Both initiatives were driven by a vision to address challenges and improve the lives of communities. Fatimah's establishment of Al-Qarawiyyin University inspired the founding of other prestigious educational institutions, while the expansion of Jakarta as an agglomeration area aims to tackle issues faced by the growing population.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Prioritize the greater good: Fatimah Al-Fihri's selflessness serves as a valuable lesson. Prioritize the collective interests over personal gain, and contribute to the betterment of society.
  • 2. Embrace inclusivity: Al-Qarawiyyin University welcomed students from diverse backgrounds, fostering an environment of inclusivity and cross-cultural learning. Embrace diversity in your own life and strive to create inclusive spaces.
  • 3. Encourage knowledge preservation: The rich manuscript collection at Al-Qarawiyyin University highlights the importance of preserving historical knowledge. Support initiatives that promote the preservation and accessibility of valuable information for future generations.


Fatimah Al-Fihri's legacy as the founder of Al-Qarawiyyin University continues to inspire generations. Her dedication to education and community development serves as a powerful example. Furthermore, the expansion of Jakarta as an agglomeration area reflects the commitment to addressing societal challenges and promoting economic growth. By incorporating the actionable advice provided, we can contribute to a more inclusive and knowledge-driven society.

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