Creating a Sustainable and Compassionate Megacity: The Jakarta Agglomeration and the Importance of Self-Kindness


Hatched by فايز

Jun 22, 2024

3 min read


Creating a Sustainable and Compassionate Megacity: The Jakarta Agglomeration and the Importance of Self-Kindness


The expansion of Jakarta into the Jabodetabekjur region has been a strategic move aimed at synchronizing development efforts to address common issues such as floods, traffic congestion, pollution, and population migration. By forming an agglomeration, which is a urban area that combines the management of multiple cities and districts with the main city, Jakarta aims to become a center of national and global economic growth. In this article, we will explore the significance of this agglomeration and delve into the importance of self-kindness in creating a sustainable and compassionate megacity.

The Jakarta Agglomeration: A Unified Approach to Development

The formation of the Jakarta Agglomeration marks a milestone in urban planning, as it brings together various administrative regions to tackle shared challenges. By consolidating efforts and resources, the agglomeration aims to foster economic growth and address pressing issues that affect the quality of life for its residents. The inclusion of surrounding cities and districts not only expands Jakarta's reach but also allows for a more holistic and integrated approach to development.

The Importance of Self-Kindness in a Megacity

While the Jakarta Agglomeration focuses on external factors and collective progress, it is equally important to prioritize the well-being of individuals within the megacity. The pursuit of perfection and the constant drive to meet societal expectations can lead to self-neglect and a negative self-perception. To create a sustainable and compassionate megacity, it is crucial to foster a culture of self-kindness.

Acknowledging Imperfection and Embracing Mistakes

One key aspect of self-kindness is acknowledging that things will go wrong, and that is perfectly okay. No individual or city is perfect, and mistakes are bound to happen along the way. By embracing imperfection and learning from mistakes, both individuals and the megacity as a whole can grow and improve. This mindset shift allows for a more forgiving and compassionate environment, where people can support each other in their journeys.

Cultivating Self-Compassion and Overcoming the Inner Critic

Many individuals struggle with an inner voice that criticizes and undermines their self-worth. This critical inner voice often stems from societal pressures and unrealistic expectations. To create a compassionate megacity, it is essential to cultivate self-compassion and silence the inner critic. By practicing self-care, self-acceptance, and self-compassion, individuals can foster a culture of kindness and support within the megacity, ultimately leading to a happier and more fulfilled population.

Taking Action: Three Steps Towards a Compassionate Megacity

  • 1. Education and Awareness: Incorporate self-kindness and self-compassion education into school curricula and public awareness campaigns. By raising awareness about the importance of self-kindness from an early age, we can foster a generation that values self-care and empathy towards others.
  • 2. Community Support: Establish community centers and support groups that promote self-kindness and provide resources for individuals struggling with self-neglect or negative self-perception. These safe spaces can serve as a refuge for individuals to share their experiences, seek guidance, and receive support from others who have faced similar challenges.
  • 3. Mental Health Services: Invest in accessible and affordable mental health services that prioritize self-kindness and self-compassion. By providing resources for mental health support, the megacity can address the underlying issues that contribute to a lack of self-kindness and promote overall well-being and resilience.


The expansion of Jakarta into the Jabodetabekjur region has opened up new opportunities for growth and development. However, in the pursuit of progress, it is crucial not to overlook the importance of self-kindness. By fostering a culture of self-acceptance, embracing imperfection, and silencing the inner critic, Jakarta can create a sustainable and compassionate megacity. By taking actionable steps such as incorporating self-kindness education, establishing support groups, and investing in mental health services, Jakarta can pave the way for a brighter and more harmonious future.

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