"The Fearful Diseases of the Majapahit Era and the Intriguing Journey of Midnight Run (1988)"


Hatched by فايز

May 15, 2024

3 min read


"The Fearful Diseases of the Majapahit Era and the Intriguing Journey of Midnight Run (1988)"

In the ancient times of the Majapahit Empire, diseases were considered a significant concern. The word "wikara" was used to describe these ailments, which carried the meaning of change or transformation. This notion of transformation is quite fascinating when we delve deeper into the context of the era. Similarly, the movie Midnight Run, released in 1988, takes us on an exhilarating journey that also revolves around change and transformation. Let us explore the common threads between these seemingly unrelated subjects and uncover some unique insights along the way.

During the Majapahit era, people lived in constant fear of various diseases. These ailments were not only physically debilitating but also carried a certain level of social stigma. The fear of contracting these diseases created a sense of panic and unease within the society. In a similar vein, the characters in Midnight Run find themselves entangled in a web of fear and uncertainty as they embark on a risky cross-country journey.

One common point between the Majapahit era diseases and Midnight Run is the notion of change. In the case of the diseases, the term "wikara" suggests a transformation within the body. This transformation could be seen as a metaphor for the transformative effects of diseases on an individual's life. Similarly, in Midnight Run, the protagonist, played by Robert De Niro, undergoes a significant transformation throughout the course of the movie. His character evolves from a cynical and detached bounty hunter to someone who values human connection and friendship.

Another interesting connection between these subjects is the element of fear. In the Majapahit era, people were gripped with fear due to the potential consequences of contracting a disease. This fear was not only limited to the physical suffering but also extended to the social consequences that came with it. Similarly, in Midnight Run, the characters are driven by fear. The protagonist is pursued by both the FBI and the mob, which adds a constant sense of danger and fear to their journey.

Now that we have explored the commonalities between the diseases of the Majapahit era and Midnight Run, let us draw some actionable advice from these subjects.

  • 1. Embrace Change: Just as the diseases in the Majapahit era brought about transformation, change is an inevitable part of life. Instead of resisting it, we should embrace it and use it as an opportunity for personal growth.
  • 2. Confront Fear: Both the diseases in the Majapahit era and the characters in Midnight Run faced fear head-on. Confronting our fears allows us to overcome them and emerge stronger on the other side. It is essential to acknowledge our fears and take steps to overcome them rather than letting them control our lives.
  • 3. Value Human Connection: In both the Majapahit era and Midnight Run, human connection played a significant role. Amidst the fear and uncertainty, forming genuine connections with others can provide solace and support. It is important to prioritize building meaningful relationships and nurturing them.

In conclusion, the diseases of the Majapahit era and the thrilling journey of Midnight Run may seem unrelated at first glance. However, upon closer examination, we discover common themes of transformation, fear, and the importance of human connection. By embracing change, confronting fear, and valuing human connection, we can navigate the challenges of life with resilience and strength. Just as the people of the Majapahit era faced their fears and found ways to cope with diseases, the characters in Midnight Run overcame their obstacles and transformed their lives. Let us learn from these examples and approach our own journeys with courage and determination.

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