Rethinking Education: From Schooling to Self-Motivated Learning

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Jun 01, 2024

3 min read


Rethinking Education: From Schooling to Self-Motivated Learning


In a world where traditional schooling systems dominate, it can be challenging to imagine an alternative. However, in "Deschooling Society - 6. Learning Webs," the author challenges this notion and proposes the concept of self-motivated learning as a viable alternative. This article aims to explore the possibilities of a deschooled society and educational institutions that prioritize individual growth and development over traditional teaching methods. By examining the distinctions between schooling and learning, we can shed light on the potential benefits of embracing self-directed education.

The Illusion of Change within the School System:

One of the primary barriers to envisioning new educational institutions is a lack of imagination and appropriate language. People struggle to visualize a society without traditional schooling systems and fail to recognize the potential of self-motivated learning. This lack of imagination is further exacerbated by the belief that conventional social and economic changes will lead to fundamental shifts within the school system. However, the reality is that schools are deeply ingrained within the fabric of our society, serving as reproductive organs of consumerism. The school system's hidden curriculum perpetuates the values of institutional commodities, overshadowing the importance of community and neighborly support.

Building Bridges to Change:

Instead of focusing solely on transforming the school system, it is crucial to channel our energy towards broader political and economic transformations. Only by addressing the underlying social structures can we hope to create lasting change within the realm of education. By recognizing the worldwide identity of myth, mode of production, and method of social control embedded within the school system, we can challenge its grip on society. This understanding prompts us to question the dependency of schools as variables within conventional social and economic change. It is clear that a more holistic approach is needed to dismantle the existing educational paradigm.

Learning Webs: A Path to Self-Motivated Learning:

To break free from the confines of traditional schooling, we must embrace alternative educational institutions. Learning webs provide a framework that encourages self-motivated learning and ensures learners have access to diverse resources beyond the traditional teacher-student dynamic. These learning webs create new links to the world, enabling learners to explore their interests and passions. By removing the reliance on teachers as the sole source of knowledge, we empower learners to take charge of their education and become active participants in their own growth.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Encourage self-directed learning: Foster an environment that values curiosity, autonomy, and exploration. Provide resources such as books, online courses, and mentorship opportunities to support individuals in pursuing their interests.
  • 2. Embrace community-based learning: Create networks and partnerships with local organizations, businesses, and experts to provide learners with real-world experiences and practical skills. By connecting learners to their communities, we can bridge the gap between education and the world beyond the classroom.
  • 3. Foster a culture of lifelong learning: Shift the focus from a fixed period of formal education to a continuous pursuit of knowledge and personal growth. Encourage individuals to embrace learning opportunities throughout their lives, promoting adaptability and resilience in an ever-changing world.


The concept of self-motivated learning challenges the traditional notions of schooling and offers a promising alternative for education in the 21st century. By embracing learning webs and prioritizing individual growth and development, we can create a society that values curiosity, autonomy, and community. It is time to reimagine education, break free from the shackles of traditional schooling, and empower learners to become active participants in their own educational journeys. Through actionable steps, we can pave the way for a future where self-motivated learning is at the forefront of educational institutions.

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