Rethinking Education: Moving Towards Self-Motivated Learning

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Nov 02, 2023

3 min read


Rethinking Education: Moving Towards Self-Motivated Learning


In a society that heavily relies on traditional schooling systems, it can be challenging to envision an alternative approach to education. However, in "Deschooling Society - 6. Learning Webs," the author argues that self-motivated learning can be a viable alternative to traditional teaching methods. By exploring the differences between schooling and learning, the author demonstrates that educational institutions can be reshaped to cater to individual interests. This article aims to delve deeper into the concept of self-motivated learning and its potential to transform the current educational landscape.

The Illusion of Change:

Before discussing the possibilities of self-motivated learning, it is crucial to acknowledge the inherent limitations of conventional social and economic change. The school system, with its uniform structure and hidden curriculum, perpetuates a consumer-oriented mindset that values institutional commodities over community support. This realization brings to light the worldwide identity of myth, mode of production, and method of social control within educational institutions. Consequently, hoping for fundamental change within the school system through conventional means becomes an illusion. To truly revolutionize education, it is necessary to challenge the existing political and economic systems that sustain it.

The Inverse of School:

To break free from the constraints of traditional schooling, we must first recognize the inverse of school – self-motivated learning. Instead of relying on teachers to bribe or compel students to learn, self-motivated learning empowers individuals to take charge of their own education. By providing learners with new links to the world, we can create a dynamic educational environment that caters to their unique interests and aspirations. This shift from a teacher-centered approach to a learner-centered approach opens up endless possibilities for education outside the confines of traditional institutions.

Exploring Educational Institutions:

In envisioning a deschooled society, it is essential to consider the various categories of educational institutions that can support self-motivated learning. These institutions not only appeal to individuals but also align with existing interest groups. By understanding the distinct characteristics that distinguish schooling from learning, we can lay the groundwork for the development of alternative educational systems. These systems may include community-based learning centers, online platforms, apprenticeships, and mentorship programs. Each of these categories provides a unique approach to education, catering to diverse learning styles and preferences.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace Lifelong Learning: Encourage individuals to view education as a continuous process that extends beyond traditional schooling. Foster a mindset that values curiosity, self-discovery, and personal growth.
  • 2. Establish Learning Networks: Create opportunities for individuals to connect with like-minded learners and experts in their fields of interest. Facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experiences through online communities, local meetups, and workshops.
  • 3. Support Alternative Education Models: Advocate for the establishment and recognition of alternative educational institutions that prioritize self-motivated learning. Promote policies that encourage flexibility and innovation in education, allowing for diverse approaches to learning.


The concept of self-motivated learning presents a transformative vision for education. By challenging the existing school system and embracing alternative approaches to learning, we can create a society that values individual interests and fosters a love for lifelong learning. Through the establishment of diverse educational institutions and the cultivation of learning networks, we can empower individuals to take control of their education and shape their own futures. It is time to move beyond the limitations of traditional schooling and embrace the potential of self-motivated learning to create a more inclusive and dynamic educational landscape.

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