Embracing the Digital Age While Cherishing the Tangible: Trends and the Value of Print in 2022

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Oct 13, 2023

3 min read


Embracing the Digital Age While Cherishing the Tangible: Trends and the Value of Print in 2022

As we enter 2022, the world continues to witness a rapid shift towards digital platforms and virtual experiences. This trend is particularly evident among younger generations who seek interconnectedness through digital means. As a business owner, it is crucial to recognize and adapt to these changing consumer preferences in order to win their loyalty.

One prominent trend that businesses can capitalize on is the rise of community-based virtual experiences. By launching virtual experiences that feature their products, brands can create a sense of engagement and connection with their target audience. An excellent example of this is Hyundai Motor Company's Hyundai Mobility Adventure on the gaming platform Roblox. Gamers can explore Hyundai's future mobility projects and current products through their avatars, immersing themselves in a unique metaverse experience. This initiative showcases the convergence of physical and digital worlds and highlights the potential for brands to create immersive virtual environments.

Furthermore, the concept of the metaverse is gaining traction, with companies exploring its applications in various industries. For instance, Boson Protocol is set to launch 'Portal,' a decentralized virtual marketplace that seamlessly integrates real-world and metaverse experiences. The idea of a metaverse, where individuals can engage in virtual commerce and interactions, presents exciting opportunities for businesses to expand their reach and engage with consumers in innovative ways.

While the digital realm continues to dominate, there is value in preserving the tangible aspects of our world. In a time when AI-generated misinformation is a concern, having a physical copy of knowledge can offer a sense of security. This sentiment is exemplified by the author's decision to purchase the last remaining physical encyclopedia still in print. Despite the availability of electronic knowledge, the desire for a reliable and fixed source vetted by professionals remains strong. The encyclopedia represents a curated collection of information that cannot be tampered with or lost to the passage of time.

The experience of holding and reading a physical encyclopedia provides a certain satisfaction and respite from the fast-paced digital world. The absence of distractions, such as pop-ups, requests for donations, or ads, allows for a pure and focused reading experience. The authoritative and neutral tone of the World Book encyclopedia, for example, offers a refreshing break from the biased and polarized information often encountered online.

However, it is essential to acknowledge that the digital realm is not without its merits. The encyclopedia's lack of appeal to the younger generation highlights the need for businesses to adapt to changing consumer behaviors and preferences. As much as we cherish the tangible, we must also embrace the convenience and accessibility offered by digital platforms.

In light of these insights, here are three actionable pieces of advice for business owners in 2022:

  • 1. Embrace the metaverse: Explore the potential of virtual experiences and consider launching your own community-based virtual environment. Engage with consumers in innovative ways that bridge the gap between physical and digital worlds.
  • 2. Preserve the tangible: While digital platforms are crucial for reaching a wider audience, do not overlook the value of physical experiences and products. Consider how you can incorporate tangible elements into your business offerings to provide a unique and memorable customer experience.
  • 3. Adapt to changing consumer preferences: Stay attuned to evolving consumer behaviors and preferences, particularly among younger generations. Be open to embracing new technologies and platforms that resonate with your target audience.

In conclusion, 2022 presents both opportunities and challenges for businesses in an increasingly digital world. By recognizing the importance of community-based virtual experiences, preserving the tangible, and adapting to changing consumer preferences, business owners can position themselves for success in the years to come. Embracing the digital age while cherishing the value of print can create a well-rounded and engaging experience for both businesses and consumers.

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