The Value of Physical Encyclopedias in the Age of Information Apocalypse

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Aug 05, 2023

4 min read


The Value of Physical Encyclopedias in the Age of Information Apocalypse

In a world dominated by digital information and AI-generated content, the idea of owning a physical encyclopedia may seem outdated and unnecessary. However, there are still compelling reasons to embrace the tangible knowledge contained within these volumes. As someone who recently purchased the only physical encyclopedia still in print, I can confidently say that I have no regrets about my decision.

One of the main reasons I chose to invest in a physical encyclopedia is the concern over AI-generated misinformation. While I remain optimistic that people who are aware of these issues can navigate the sea of electronic knowledge with caution, there is a sense of comfort in having a reliable and vetted source of information in print. Unlike digital content, which can be easily manipulated or taken down, a physical encyclopedia provides a fixed and tamper-proof form of knowledge.

The concept of operating at the speed of paper may seem foreign in our fast-paced digital world, but there is something to be said about the slowness and deliberate nature of reading from a physical book. Each volume of the encyclopedia, individually shrink-wrapped, provides a sense of weight and substance that is lacking in the ephemeral nature of online content. It is like stepping back onto dry land after a long boat ride, a feeling that is hard to put into words.

One of the most appealing aspects of owning a physical encyclopedia is the absence of distractions. Unlike online articles filled with pop-ups, requests for donations, and ads, the encyclopedia offers a pure reading experience. It is just you and the information, curated by World Book's editors. The authoritative and neutral tone of the articles is refreshing, providing accurate and well-written content without unnecessary bias or attacks.

However, owning a physical encyclopedia is not without its flaws. In the edition I purchased, there was a binding error that replaced the first 60 pages of the "G" volume with pages from the "U" volume. While this defect may be limited to a small print run, it is a reminder that physical copies are not immune to imperfections.

Furthermore, introducing the encyclopedia to my children proved to be a disappointment. As digital natives, they viewed the print encyclopedia as a relic of the past, unable to grasp its value or see it as a useful reference tool. This failure to engage the younger generation highlights the generational divide in our approach to information consumption.

Despite these setbacks, owning a physical encyclopedia has allowed me to refresh my knowledge on various subjects and escape the AI-augmented noise of the online world. In an era where true and false information are increasingly difficult to distinguish, the stability and accuracy of the encyclopedia are undeniable. It serves as a reliable source of information, free from the biases and uncertainties often associated with AI-generated content.

For those who are interested in embracing the benefits of a physical encyclopedia, there are a few actionable pieces of advice to consider:

  • 1. Embrace the deliberate nature of reading from a physical book: Take the time to savor the experience of holding and engaging with a physical encyclopedia. Appreciate the weight and substance it brings to the pursuit of knowledge.
  • 2. Use the encyclopedia as a reference tool: While younger generations may be hesitant to embrace print encyclopedias, they can still serve as a valuable resource for research and fact-checking. Encourage critical thinking and the exploration of multiple sources of information.
  • 3. Connect the knowledge within the encyclopedia: Just as we should interlink our digital notes to create new insights, it is important to connect the information within the encyclopedia. By cross-referencing articles and exploring related topics, we can unlock the serendipitous creation of new knowledge.

In conclusion, while the age of the physical encyclopedia may have passed, there is still value in owning a reliable and vetted source of information. In the face of AI-generated misinformation and the information apocalypse, having a fixed and tamper-proof form of knowledge can provide a sense of security and stability. So, if you find yourself yearning for a break from the digital noise, consider investing in a physical encyclopedia and rediscover the joy of slow, deliberate learning.

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