The Value of Print in the Age of AI and NFTs

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Aug 01, 2023

3 min read


The Value of Print in the Age of AI and NFTs

In an era dominated by AI-generated misinformation and the rise of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), the allure of physical knowledge in the form of a print encyclopedia is intriguing. While electronic sources provide convenient access to information, the idea of having a comprehensive summary of human knowledge in print, untouched by tampering or link rot, holds a certain appeal. This article explores the significance of print in the face of the "cultural singularity" and examines the benefits and limitations of physical encyclopedias.

The concept of the "Information apocalypse" or the "cultural singularity" refers to a time when distinguishing between true and false information becomes increasingly challenging. As we navigate this uncertain landscape, the World Book Encyclopedia, the sole remaining physical encyclopedia in print, emerges as a reliable source of curated and vetted knowledge. The weight of each volume and the absence of distractions like pop-ups or advertisements create a unique reading experience akin to stepping onto dry land after a long boat ride.

One of the notable aspects of the World Book Encyclopedia is its authoritative and neutral tone. The editors maintain a refreshing balance, even when discussing controversial topics. For instance, the 2023 edition provides a concise analysis of the previous US president's legacy without resorting to unnecessary attacks. This commitment to accuracy and well-written content enhances the trustworthiness of the encyclopedia.

However, the physical encyclopedia is not without its flaws. Some copies of the 2023 edition have a binding error that replaces the first 60 pages of the "G" volume with pages from the "U" volume. This defect may be present in the entire print run, highlighting the imperfections that can arise in physical publications. Nevertheless, these instances are relatively rare and do not undermine the overall value of the encyclopedia.

Introducing the encyclopedia to a younger generation who have grown up in the digital age presents a unique challenge. The unfamiliarity with print encyclopedias and the reliance on digital sources make it difficult for them to appreciate the tactile experience of physical knowledge. Despite the initial rejection by children, the deliberate stability of information offered by the encyclopedia remains a valuable resource in a world inundated with AI-generated noise.

As we embrace the future where AI and NFTs play increasingly prominent roles, it is crucial to recognize the enduring value of print. While electronic sources provide convenience and access to vast amounts of information, the stability and curated nature of print knowledge offer a sense of security and reliability.

In conclusion, three actionable pieces of advice emerge from this exploration of print knowledge:

  • 1. Embrace a hybrid approach: Incorporate both digital and physical sources of information to benefit from their respective advantages. By blending the convenience of electronic sources with the stability of print, individuals can navigate the complexities of the information age more effectively.
  • 2. Foster appreciation for print knowledge: Encourage younger generations to explore physical books, including encyclopedias, to experience the unique pleasure of interacting with tangible knowledge. By bridging the gap between digital and print, we can ensure a well-rounded understanding of the world.
  • 3. Cultivate critical thinking skills: Develop the ability to discern reliable information from misinformation, whether encountered in print or digital form. With the increasing prevalence of AI-generated content, honing critical thinking skills becomes paramount to navigate the complexities of the cultural singularity.

In an era defined by AI and NFTs, the World Book Encyclopedia stands as a testament to the enduring value of print knowledge. While electronic sources offer convenience, the deliberate stability and curated nature of physical encyclopedias provide a sense of reassurance and reliability. By embracing a hybrid approach, fostering appreciation for print, and cultivating critical thinking skills, we can navigate the information age with confidence and discernment.

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