The Importance of Print in the Age of Information Apocalypse

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Nov 20, 2023

4 min read


The Importance of Print in the Age of Information Apocalypse

In a world dominated by digital technology and AI-generated content, the idea of owning a physical encyclopedia may seem outdated. However, there is something undeniably appealing about having a tangible source of knowledge that cannot be tampered with or erased. In a recent article on Ars Technica, the author shares their experience of purchasing the last remaining physical encyclopedia still in print and expresses their optimism that factual electronic knowledge will prevail in the coming decade.

The author acknowledges the concerns surrounding AI-generated misinformation but remains hopeful that individuals who are aware of these issues can navigate through the digital landscape armed with accurate electronic information. However, they also recognize the value of having a comprehensive summary of human knowledge in print form, vetted by professionals and immune to alteration by humans, AI, or link rot.

One of the advantages of owning a physical encyclopedia is the sense of comfort and slowness it brings. In a world that operates at the speed of paper, the act of flipping through the pages and feeling the weight of the information in one's hands can be a grounding experience. Each volume of the encyclopedia comes individually shrink-wrapped, adding to the sense of anticipation and importance placed on the knowledge contained within.

Another notable aspect of the physical encyclopedia is its lack of distractions. Unlike the online world, there are no pop-ups, requests for donations, or advertisements to interrupt the reading experience. It is just the reader and the information, curated by the editors of World Book. The authoritative and neutral tone of the encyclopedia is refreshing, providing accurate and well-written articles without unnecessary bias or attack.

However, the physical encyclopedia is not without its flaws. The author mentions a binding error in the edition they purchased, which resulted in the first 60 pages of the "G" volume being replaced with pages from the "U" volume. This defect may be present in the entire print run, affecting the overall quality of the product. Additionally, the author's attempt to introduce the encyclopedia to their children as a reference tool failed, as the younger generation has become accustomed to digital sources of information and showed no interest in the print version.

Despite these shortcomings, the physical encyclopedia still holds value in an age where distinguishing true information from false has become increasingly challenging. As The Guardian and BuzzFeed predicted, we are entering an era of information apocalypse or cultural singularity, where the lines between fact and fiction blur. In such a chaotic landscape, having a reliable and fixed source of knowledge can provide a sense of stability and security.

To conclude, while the world may be moving towards digital information consumption, there is still a place for print encyclopedias. The physicality and permanence they offer, along with the curated and accurate content, make them a valuable resource. As we navigate the challenges of AI-generated misinformation and the overwhelming amount of digital content, here are three actionable pieces of advice:

  • 1. Embrace both print and digital: Recognize the benefits of both mediums and use them in tandem. While digital sources offer convenience and up-to-date information, print encyclopedias provide a reliable and fixed reference point.
  • 2. Teach critical thinking skills: Equip yourself and others with the ability to discern reliable information from misinformation. Develop critical thinking skills to evaluate sources and question the accuracy of the content you encounter.
  • 3. Foster a love for learning: Encourage curiosity and a thirst for knowledge in younger generations. While they may be more comfortable with digital platforms, instilling a love for learning can create a desire to explore various sources, including print encyclopedias.

In conclusion, the physical encyclopedia may be a relic of the past, but its value in an age of information apocalypse cannot be underestimated. It offers stability, accuracy, and a tangible connection to human knowledge. By embracing both print and digital, cultivating critical thinking skills, and fostering a love for learning, we can navigate the complexities of the digital world while still appreciating the benefits of print encyclopedias.

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