"Unforgivable Attack" - Latest Blow In Gutting Of NZ Theatre Education: Can theatre change the world? This is the question that has been explored in the Theatre for Change course at Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington. The course delves into how theatre can provide hope and healing, the benefits of theatre programs in prisons and for mental health, and even involves creating theatre-in-education workshops for local high schools. The students who have taken this course can attest to the life-changing power of theatre.

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Apr 26, 2024

4 min read


"Unforgivable Attack" - Latest Blow In Gutting Of NZ Theatre Education: Can theatre change the world? This is the question that has been explored in the Theatre for Change course at Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington. The course delves into how theatre can provide hope and healing, the benefits of theatre programs in prisons and for mental health, and even involves creating theatre-in-education workshops for local high schools. The students who have taken this course can attest to the life-changing power of theatre.

However, despite the positive impact that theatre education has had, change is coming to Vic's theatre program, and it is change for the worse. The program is being slashed as part of a desperate attempt to address the university's $30 million deficit. The theatre program will be cut by more than half, with the team shrinking from 10 members to only 4 full-time roles. This is a significant setback, as it will undo over 20 years of growth and progress in the program.

Unfortunately, the decimation of Vic's theatre program is not an isolated incident. It is part of a larger trend that has critically weakened tertiary performing arts education in New Zealand. Despite the fact that theatre programs are not losing money and there is a steady demand from students, decision-makers prioritize financial considerations over the value and impact of theatre education.

Theatre education is not just about producing actors. It equips students with essential skills that are highly transferable to various industries and sectors. Collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, and communication are all key skills that theatre students develop throughout their studies. These skills are crucial in navigating the uncertainties of work in the 21st century. In fact, theatre graduates can be found in a wide range of professions, including law, education, media, NGOs, and even the United Nations.

The success stories of theatre graduates speak for themselves. Renowned figures such as Taika Waititi, Erik Thompson, Simon Bennett, Tandi Wright, and Eleanor Bishop have all emerged from Vic's theatre program. Additionally, the program has been instrumental in the establishment of successful theatre companies like Binge Culture, Trick of the Light, and Red Scare. These achievements highlight the immense value that theatre education brings to individuals and the wider creative industry.

In a world where the value of theatre education is increasingly underappreciated, it is crucial to advocate for its importance and fight against further cuts. The impact of theatre education goes beyond the stage, nurturing skills that are sought after in various sectors. Investing in theatre education means investing in the future of the arts and the development of a more well-rounded and creative society.

Addressing Menopause's Impact on the Workplace: 6 Ways to Take Action

Menopause is not a singular event; it is a multi-phase medical journey that takes place over several years. It is essential that we acknowledge this and understand the impact it can have on women in the workplace. Dr. Neel Shah suggests that instead of viewing menopause as a switch that's flipped, we should recognize it as a digital health concept. This means utilizing technology and healthcare to remove barriers, increase patient involvement, and collaborate across providers.

Employers have the opportunity to be innovators in supporting women experiencing menopause in the workplace. Just as they have made strides in offering mental health services, they can now extend this support to address the specific needs of menopausal women. Telehealth has proven to be a valuable tool in providing quick access to experts who can help manage symptoms such as hot flashes. By embracing telehealth, women can receive the care they need without added stress or inconvenience.

Normalization and destigmatization are crucial when it comes to menopause in the workplace. Just as pregnancy has become more widely accepted and supported, menopause should be treated in a similar manner. Fertility benefits have seen progress in recent years, transitioning from wellness offerings to medical benefits. Employers now commonly provide lactation rooms and paid family leave. Menopause should be the next frontier in building an inclusive workplace, where women feel supported and understood.

Actionable Advice for Preserving Theatre Education and Supporting Menopausal Women in the Workplace:

  • 1. Advocate for the value of theatre education: Share the success stories of theatre graduates and highlight the transferable skills they develop. Emphasize the positive impact that theatre education has on individuals and society as a whole.
  • 2. Support local theatre programs: Attend performances, donate to theatre organizations, and volunteer your time to show your support for the arts. By investing in the arts, you contribute to the growth and sustainability of theatre education.
  • 3. Encourage workplace inclusivity and support for menopausal women: Educate yourself and others about menopause and its impact on women in the workplace. Advocate for destigmatization and normalization, and support policies and benefits that address the specific needs of menopausal women.

In conclusion, both theatre education and support for menopausal women in the workplace are essential aspects of creating a more inclusive and vibrant society. By recognizing the value of theatre education and advocating for its preservation, we can ensure that future generations have access to the transformative power of the arts. Similarly, by normalizing and supporting menopausal women, we create a more inclusive and supportive work environment for all. Let us strive for a world where the arts thrive, and women are empowered in every stage of their lives.

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