Addressing Menopause in the Workplace: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Jul 23, 2023

3 min read


Addressing Menopause in the Workplace: A Multidisciplinary Approach


Menopause is not a singular event but rather a multi-phase medical journey that takes place over several years. It is important to view menopause as a process rather than a switch that is flipped. In this article, we will explore the impact of menopause on the workplace and discuss six ways to address this issue effectively. Additionally, we will delve into the concept of phenomenology and its relevance to understanding conscious experience. By connecting these two seemingly unrelated topics, we can gain unique insights into managing menopause in the workplace.

The Intersection of Technology and Healthcare:

Digital health, a multidisciplinary concept at the intersection of technology and healthcare, has revolutionized access to medical care. It has removed geographical barriers, increased patient involvement in their care, and facilitated collaboration across healthcare providers. This innovation has been particularly beneficial for women experiencing menopause. With telehealth services, women can quickly access experts to manage symptoms such as hot flashes. Employers have played a crucial role in adopting these technological advancements and offering mental health services during the pandemic.

The Evolution of Workplace Support:

The workplace has witnessed significant progress in supporting women's reproductive health. While there used to be reluctance in disclosing pregnancy to employers, it has become more normalized in recent years. Fertility benefits have also evolved from wellness offerings to medical benefits. Employers now provide lactation rooms and paid family leave, demonstrating a shift towards building an inclusive workplace. Menopause, with its unique challenges, may be the next frontier in promoting an inclusive and supportive work environment.

Understanding Phenomenology:

Phenomenology, both as a disciplinary field in philosophy and a movement in the history of philosophy, offers insights into conscious experience. It focuses on the structures of experience or consciousness and examines how things appear to us and the meanings they hold in our experience. Phenomenology studies conscious experience from the first-person point of view and explores its relationship with other fields of philosophy such as ontology, epistemology, logic, and ethics.

Applying Phenomenology to Menopause in the Workplace:

Phenomenology can provide a framework for understanding the subjective experience of menopause in the workplace. By engaging in pure description of lived experience, individuals can reflect on their own experiences and communicate their needs effectively. Additionally, interpreting menopausal experiences in the context of the workplace can help identify relevant features and address them appropriately. Finally, analyzing the form of menopausal experiences can help identify key factors and develop targeted interventions.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Foster open communication: Encourage employees to communicate their menopausal experiences and needs openly. Create a safe space where they can discuss their symptoms, concerns, and potential workplace adjustments.
  • 2. Educate and raise awareness: Provide educational resources about menopause and its impact on the workplace. Raise awareness among managers and colleagues to foster empathy, understanding, and support.
  • 3. Implement workplace adjustments: Review existing policies and practices to ensure they accommodate the needs of menopausal employees. Consider adjustments such as flexible schedules, temperature control, access to cooling devices, and additional breaks if necessary.


Addressing menopause in the workplace requires a multidisciplinary approach that incorporates technological advancements, workplace support, and insights from phenomenology. By leveraging telehealth services, employers can facilitate access to expert care for menopausal symptoms. Continued progress in supporting reproductive health in the workplace sets the stage for addressing menopause as the next frontier of building an inclusive work environment. By incorporating the principles of phenomenology, we can better understand the subjective experiences of menopause and develop targeted interventions. By fostering open communication, raising awareness, and implementing workplace adjustments, employers can create a supportive and inclusive environment for menopausal employees.

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