Case Study: Developing a Community of Practice on Play

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Sep 10, 2023

4 min read


Case Study: Developing a Community of Practice on Play

The Center's Community of Practice on Play (CoPP) is a collaborative effort aimed at promoting the understanding and importance of play in the early childhood sector. Comprised of educators, researchers, policymakers, and non-profit leaders, the CoPP works together to foster relationships that enhance individual work and contribute to the fields of play, learning, and early childhood.

The CoPP's journey began in September 2016, culminating in its first in-person meeting in July 2017. During this gathering in Cambridge, MA, 30 diverse stakeholders in the field of play engaged in discussions on four key areas of shared challenge and opportunity:

  • 1. The Science of Play: One of the central focuses of the CoPP is to delve into the science behind play. By examining the cognitive, social, and emotional benefits of play, the community aims to deepen our understanding of its impact on child development.
  • 2. Measuring the Impact of Playful Learning: Another important aspect of the CoPP's work is to develop effective methods for measuring the impact of playful learning. By determining appropriate metrics and assessment tools, the community aims to provide evidence-based support for the incorporation of play in educational settings.
  • 3. Play in Community Settings: Recognizing the significance of community involvement in fostering play, the CoPP explores ways to integrate play into various community settings. By engaging families and encouraging playful learning at home, the community seeks to extend the benefits of play beyond formal educational environments.
  • 4. Framing of Messaging around Play: Effective communication plays a vital role in promoting the value of play. The CoPP addresses the challenge of framing messages about play in a way that resonates with different stakeholders, such as parents, educators, and policymakers.

While the CoPP's efforts are commendable, it is crucial to recognize that developing a community of practice requires individual introspection and self-examination. Julie McIntyre, in her book "Sex and the Intelligence of the Heart," emphasizes the importance of rigorous self-examination as a means to personal growth and fulfillment. McIntyre suggests that one must be able to notice, account for, and be accountable to each part of oneself to become more integrated and masterful in life.

Gaining proficiency in understanding our inner ego states takes time, devotion, and practice. However, it does not necessitate expensive therapy sessions. Instead, by working with these inner parts, listening to their voices, and appreciating their unique gifts, we can cultivate a sense of wholeness and vitality in ourselves. When our inner council reaches consensus and makes decisions in harmony, we experience greater ease and less drama in our lives.

This concept of rigorous self-examination resonates with the CoPP's mission. By fostering a deep desire and dedication to self-discovery, the community members can tap into their latent powers of intuition, motive force, and creativity. This intrinsic motivation to know oneself and cultivate happiness and fulfillment is not only necessary for personal growth but also essential for the betterment of society as a whole.

In light of the CoPP's objectives and the importance of self-examination, here are three actionable pieces of advice:

  • 1. Embrace Playfulness in Your Own Life: To advocate for the value of play, it is essential to embody it in your own life. Take time to engage in playful activities, explore new hobbies, and embrace a lighthearted approach to life. By experiencing the benefits firsthand, you can authentically convey the importance of play to others.
  • 2. Foster Collaborative Relationships: Building a community of practice requires collaboration and shared learning. Connect with like-minded individuals in your field and establish relationships based on mutual support and knowledge exchange. By working together, you can generate valuable insights and drive meaningful change.
  • 3. Cultivate Self-Awareness: Engage in introspection and self-reflection to understand your unique strengths, values, and aspirations. By cultivating self-awareness, you can make informed decisions, align your actions with your values, and contribute meaningfully to your community.

In conclusion, the development of a Community of Practice on Play is a commendable endeavor that brings together diverse stakeholders to deepen our understanding and appreciation of play in the early childhood sector. By exploring the science of play, measuring its impact, integrating play into community settings, and framing effective messages, the CoPP aims to create a lasting impact on early childhood education. Simultaneously, individuals must engage in rigorous self-examination to become more integrated and masterful in their lives. By embracing playfulness, fostering collaborative relationships, and cultivating self-awareness, we can contribute to the success of the CoPP and our own personal growth.

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