Case Study: Developing a Community of Practice on Play

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Mar 20, 2024

4 min read


Case Study: Developing a Community of Practice on Play


Developing a community of practice is a powerful way to foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, and innovation in a specific field. One such community, the Center's Community of Practice on Play (CoPP), is dedicated to increasing the understanding and presence of play in the early childhood sector. Comprised of global and domestic researchers, practitioners, developers, non-profit leaders, and policymakers, the CoPP aims to generate insights that will contribute to the fields of play, learning, and early childhood more broadly.

The CoPP's Activities

The CoPP's journey began in September 2016 at the Center, with its first in-person meeting taking place in July 2017 in Cambridge, MA. During this meeting, 30 diverse stakeholders in the field of play came together to discuss four key areas of shared challenge and opportunity. These areas included the science of play, measuring the impact of playful learning, play in community settings, and framing messaging around play.

The Science of Play

Understanding the science behind play is crucial in order to advocate for its importance in early childhood development. The CoPP's members, including researchers and practitioners, collaborate to explore and disseminate research findings on the benefits of play. By sharing this knowledge, they aim to raise awareness and influence policies that prioritize play in educational settings.

Measuring the Impact of Playful Learning

Measuring the impact of playful learning is an essential aspect of demonstrating its effectiveness. The CoPP's members work together to develop frameworks and methodologies for assessing the outcomes of play-based interventions. By establishing valid and reliable measures, they can provide evidence of the positive impact of play on children's cognitive, social, and emotional development.

Play in Community Settings

Recognizing the role of community settings in promoting play is another area of focus for the CoPP. By examining successful initiatives and programs that integrate play into community spaces, the CoPP aims to identify best practices and develop guidelines for implementing play-based interventions on a larger scale. This collaborative effort ensures that play becomes an integral part of children's lives beyond formal educational settings.

Framing of Messaging Around Play

Effective communication plays a crucial role in advocating for the importance of play. The CoPP's members, including policymakers and non-profit leaders, collaborate to develop strategies for framing messaging that highlights the value of play in early childhood development. By crafting compelling narratives and engaging storytelling, they aim to capture the attention of key stakeholders and create a collective understanding of the significance of play.

Unique Insight: Early Start Discovery Space

In addition to the CoPP's activities, it is interesting to explore other initiatives that contribute to the understanding and promotion of play. One such example is the Early Start Discovery Space, located at the University of Wollongong in Australia. This dedicated children's museum provides an interactive and educational environment for children and adults to engage in playful learning together. By focusing on generating new insights about how these types of environments can foster continued playful learning at home, the Early Start Discovery Space complements the work of the CoPP.

Collaborations: Brian Eno

Drawing inspiration from diverse fields can enrich the development of a community of practice. Brian Eno, a renowned musician and producer, has collaborated with various artists and musicians throughout his career. His collaborations extend beyond his own genre, as he has worked on soundtracks for installation pieces and albums with artists such as Laurie Anderson, Paul Simon, and Coldplay. Eno's versatility and willingness to explore different creative avenues serve as a reminder of the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration within a community of practice.


Developing a community of practice on play is a vital step in advancing the understanding and presence of play in the early childhood sector. By focusing on the science of play, measuring its impact, exploring play in community settings, and framing messaging effectively, the Center's Community of Practice on Play (CoPP) contributes to the fields of play, learning, and early childhood. Additionally, exploring unique initiatives like the Early Start Discovery Space and drawing inspiration from collaborations such as Brian Eno's further enriches the community's collective knowledge and fosters innovation.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Foster Collaboration: Encourage collaboration among diverse stakeholders by providing platforms for knowledge sharing and discussion. This can be achieved through regular meetings, online forums, and collaborative projects.
  • 2. Advocate for Play: Develop effective strategies for advocating the importance of play in early childhood development. This includes crafting compelling narratives, engaging storytelling, and targeting key stakeholders such as policymakers and educators.
  • 3. Embrace Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Look beyond your immediate field and seek collaborations with individuals and organizations from diverse backgrounds. This interdisciplinary approach can bring fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to the community of practice.

In conclusion, the development of a community of practice on play is a collaborative effort that requires the active participation of researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and other stakeholders. By focusing on key areas of challenge and opportunity, sharing knowledge, and fostering interdisciplinary collaborations, the community can drive positive change in the fields of play, learning, and early childhood.

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