Designing Architecture for Playful Learning: Connecting Spaces and Communities

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Apr 16, 2024

4 min read


Designing Architecture for Playful Learning: Connecting Spaces and Communities


Architecture plays a significant role in shaping the way we interact with our surroundings. It has the power to inspire, uplift, and create spaces that encourage human activity and comfort. In this article, we will explore the intersection of architecture and play, drawing inspiration from the work of Mitchell Stout Dodd Architects and the case study of the Community of Practice on Play (CoPP). By connecting these two seemingly distinct fields, we can uncover unique insights and actionable advice on how to design spaces that promote playful learning and foster a sense of community.

Architecture that Inspires and Enlightens:

Mitchell Stout Dodd Architects have a unique approach to architecture. They believe in creating spaces that go beyond the ordinary, lifting the spirit and inspiring new ways of being. Their focus is on designing environments that prioritize human activity and comfort, providing individuals with a place to relax and feel at ease. This philosophy resonates with the idea of play, as play is a natural human activity that encourages creativity, exploration, and learning. By incorporating elements of playfulness into architectural design, we can create spaces that inspire and enlighten individuals.

The Power of Community and Play:

The Community of Practice on Play (CoPP) is a prime example of the transformative power of play within a community. Comprised of researchers, practitioners, developers, non-profit leaders, and policymakers, the CoPP aims to increase the understanding and appreciation of play in the early childhood sector. Through collaborative efforts and cross-cutting relationships, the CoPP seeks to generate insights that contribute to the fields of play, learning, and early childhood. This community serves as a testament to the importance of fostering connections and creating spaces where individuals can come together to learn, grow, and play.

Designing for Playful Learning:

One of the key areas of shared challenge and opportunity discussed by the CoPP is the science of play. Architecture can play a crucial role in supporting and enhancing playful learning experiences. By incorporating interactive elements, such as play structures, sensory stimuli, and adaptable spaces, architects can design environments that facilitate exploration, imagination, and problem-solving. The Early Start Discovery Space in Australia exemplifies this approach, as it is a dedicated children's museum designed to engage families and promote playful learning. Architects can draw inspiration from such spaces and create environments that encourage families to continue the spirit of play at home.

Connecting Spaces and Communities:

Architecture has the potential to bridge the gap between physical spaces and communities. By designing spaces that promote play and foster a sense of community, architects can create environments that encourage social interaction, collaboration, and a shared sense of belonging. This can be achieved through the integration of communal areas, flexible layouts, and multipurpose spaces that cater to diverse needs and activities. By incorporating elements of playfulness and community-building into architectural design, we can create spaces that not only serve practical purposes but also nurture human connections and enhance overall well-being.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Incorporate interactive elements: When designing spaces, consider incorporating interactive elements that engage individuals and encourage playful learning. This can include play structures, sensory experiences, and adaptable spaces that promote exploration and creativity.
  • 2. Foster a sense of community: Create spaces that facilitate social interaction and community-building. Design communal areas, flexible layouts, and multipurpose spaces that cater to diverse needs and activities, promoting collaboration and a shared sense of belonging.
  • 3. Design for sustainability: When designing play spaces, consider sustainable practices that minimize environmental impact. Incorporate elements such as natural lighting, greenery, and energy-efficient systems to create environmentally conscious environments that promote a connection with nature.


The intersection of architecture and play holds immense potential for creating spaces that inspire, enlighten, and foster a sense of community. By drawing inspiration from the work of Mitchell Stout Dodd Architects and the insights gained from the Community of Practice on Play, architects can design environments that prioritize human activity, comfort, and playful learning. Through the incorporation of interactive elements, a focus on community-building, and sustainable design practices, architects can create spaces that not only serve practical purposes but also enhance the overall well-being of individuals and communities. By bridging the gap between physical spaces and the communities they serve, architecture has the power to transform the way we learn, play, and connect with one another.

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