The Intersection of Engineering and Self-Examination: Building Bridges to Personal Growth

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Jun 23, 2024

3 min read


The Intersection of Engineering and Self-Examination: Building Bridges to Personal Growth


In a world where infrastructure and personal development seem like two completely different realms, there is an unexpected connection that emerges. Beca, a renowned multinational engineering company, has left an indelible mark on Auckland's landscape with iconic projects like the Sky Tower and the Auckland Harbour Bridge. Simultaneously, Julie McIntyre's book, "Sex and the Intelligence of the Heart," delves into the importance of rigorous self-examination and the integration of different aspects of one's personality. While these topics may seem disparate, they both highlight the significance of growth, collaboration, and the pursuit of excellence.

Bridging the Gap Between Projects and People:

Beca's impressive portfolio showcases the company's ability to bring monumental projects to life. From the Auckland Museum and the Waterview tunnel to the Victoria desalination plant in Wongthaggi, the company has successfully executed projects across New Zealand and Asia. However, amidst the success lies a need for certainty and continued development. The government, Auckland Council, and other stakeholders recognize the importance of sustaining the momentum, ensuring that there is no hiatus between projects. By nurturing the capacity of New Zealanders and collaborating with individuals from around the world, the engineering sector can continue to grow and thrive.

Similarly, McIntyre emphasizes the necessity of bringing together different aspects of one's personality to make informed decisions. Just as Beca's projects require collaboration and unity, so too does our internal world. Rigorous self-examination and engaging with our inner council allow us to understand each part of ourselves, their unique gifts, and how they can contribute to our overall growth. By integrating these different aspects, we become more whole, alive, and in control of our lives. The parallel between Beca's need for collaboration and our need for internal harmony is striking.

Expanding the Golden Triangle:

Beca's influence extends beyond New Zealand, with a presence in Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, and Singapore. In Singapore, the company runs a Digital Innovation Hub that focuses on seismic engineering and digital technologies. This diversification allows Beca to contribute expertise on a global scale, transcending borders and making a positive impact worldwide. This expansion echoes the importance of thinking beyond our immediate surroundings and embracing growth and revitalization. McIntyre suggests that just as Tauranga's growth has influenced Hamilton and Hamilton's growth has impacted Auckland, we must also consider the broader context of our personal development. Embracing change and recognizing the interconnectedness of our lives can lead to transformative growth.

Taking Action for Personal and Professional Growth:

While the intersection of engineering and self-examination might seem abstract, there are actionable steps we can take to foster personal and professional growth. Here are three pieces of advice to consider:

  • 1. Embrace collaboration and diversity: Just as Beca thrives by collaborating with individuals from different backgrounds, we should seek diverse perspectives and engage in meaningful conversations with others. This exposure to different viewpoints broadens our horizons and allows us to grow both personally and professionally.
  • 2. Practice rigorous self-examination: McIntyre emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and accountability to each part of ourselves. By actively listening to our inner council, understanding their gifts and virtues, and integrating them into our decision-making processes, we can achieve a greater sense of wholeness and mastery over our lives.
  • 3. Think beyond boundaries: Beca's expansion into international markets highlights the importance of thinking beyond our immediate surroundings. Similarly, we should consider the broader context of our personal growth. By embracing change, seeking new experiences, and recognizing the interconnectedness of our lives, we can unlock transformative growth.


In the unlikely pairing of engineering achievements and personal development, we find common threads of collaboration, growth, and interconnectedness. Beca's ability to execute monumental projects and McIntyre's emphasis on rigorous self-examination remind us of the importance of unity, integration, and the pursuit of excellence. By taking actionable steps towards collaboration, self-examination, and embracing change, we can bridge the gap between our personal and professional lives, ultimately achieving greater fulfillment and success.

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