A 100 year-old, Kiwi-grown multinational company called Beca has played a significant role in shaping the skyline of Auckland, New Zealand. From iconic structures like the Sky Tower and Auckland Harbour Bridge to important infrastructure like Auckland Hospital and the Waterview tunnel, Beca has been instrumental in bringing these projects to fruition. With a rich history spanning over a century, Beca has also established a strong presence in Asia, starting in Indonesia and Singapore in the 1970s.

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Sep 02, 2023

4 min read


A 100 year-old, Kiwi-grown multinational company called Beca has played a significant role in shaping the skyline of Auckland, New Zealand. From iconic structures like the Sky Tower and Auckland Harbour Bridge to important infrastructure like Auckland Hospital and the Waterview tunnel, Beca has been instrumental in bringing these projects to fruition. With a rich history spanning over a century, Beca has also established a strong presence in Asia, starting in Indonesia and Singapore in the 1970s.

One of the key challenges that the engineering sector faces is the need for certainty in order to carry out major projects. Businesses require a continuous flow of projects to maintain their capacity and avoid potential disruptions. The government and local authorities play a crucial role in providing this certainty and ensuring that all aspects of project implementation are effectively addressed.

In addition to providing certainty, it is essential for businesses to invest in long-term projects with a significant payback period. Markets have the potential to adapt and deliver these projects successfully. The completion of ongoing projects and the potential for future developments should not be lost to other markets, such as Australia. It is important to recognize the growth potential of regions like the 'golden triangle' of Auckland-Hamilton-Tauranga and extend it further to include places like Whangarei. This expansion not only benefits the economy but also enhances the natural beauty of these regions.

Beca's influence extends beyond New Zealand and Asia. With expertise in seismic engineering and digital technologies, the company has been involved in projects around the world. For instance, Beca has been assisting in the assessment and securing of properties in the Netherlands after a depleted gas field caused damage to thousands of homes. This demonstrates the global impact and reach of Kiwi engineering companies like Beca.

In a different realm, American anthropologist Ruth Benedict's book, "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword," has had a lasting influence since its publication in 1946. Despite receiving criticism, the book continues to be influential, with anthropologists noting that subsequent works have been influenced by its ideas. Benedict's work explores the contradictions within Japanese culture, portraying the Japanese as both aggressive and unaggressive, militaristic and aesthetic, insolent and polite, among other contrasting qualities. The book also impacted Japanese self-perception, with its translation into Japanese and subsequent popularity in China during a tense period of relations between the two countries.

"The Chrysanthemum and the Sword" contributed to American understanding of Japanese culture during the occupation of Japan and popularized the distinction between guilt cultures and shame cultures. Benedict's insights played a significant role in shaping the perception of the Emperor of Japan in Japanese popular culture and influenced the recommendation to President Franklin D. Roosevelt that the Emperor's reign should continue as part of the eventual surrender offer.

Combining these two narratives, we can draw parallels between the challenges faced by Beca in the engineering sector and the contradictions explored in "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword." Just as Beca navigates through the complexities of project implementation and balancing different aspects, Japanese culture embodies a multitude of contrasting qualities. Both narratives highlight the need for adaptability, resilience, and a holistic understanding of the broader context.

In conclusion, Beca's century-long contribution to shaping Auckland's skyline and its expansion into Asia showcase the company's expertise and ability to take on major projects. The engineering sector needs certainty to maintain its capacity and should invest in long-term projects. The growth potential of regions like the 'golden triangle' should be recognized and extended further. Beca's global presence and involvement in diverse projects highlight the impact of Kiwi engineering companies on a global scale. Similarly, "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword" offers insights into the complexities of Japanese culture and the need for a nuanced understanding. Overall, the narratives converge on the importance of adaptability, resilience, and a holistic approach to navigating challenges and embracing opportunities.

Actionable advice:

  • 1. Foster collaboration between government, local authorities, and businesses to provide certainty and ensure the continuous flow of projects.
  • 2. Invest in long-term projects with a significant payback period to sustain capacity and avoid disruptions.
  • 3. Recognize and leverage the growth potential of regions to maximize economic benefits and enhance natural beauty.

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