Exploring the Intersection of Building Interactive Agents in Video Game Worlds and Signs of Autism in Women with ADHD

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Sep 03, 2023

3 min read


Exploring the Intersection of Building Interactive Agents in Video Game Worlds and Signs of Autism in Women with ADHD


In the realm of artificial intelligence, building interactive agents in video game worlds has been an exciting area of research. However, the traditional approach of imitation learning has its limitations. While it can lead to interesting interactions, it treats each moment of interaction as equally important, failing to capture efficient, goal-directed behavior. On the other hand, signs of autism in women with ADHD have shed light on unique coping mechanisms, such as "stimming," which help manage stress. In this article, we will explore the connection between these two areas and uncover valuable insights.

The Importance of Intertemporal Judgements:

To train a reward model for interactive agents, researchers have turned to human preferences. By asking humans to judge events indicating progress towards a goal or errors, a neural network can be trained to predict these inter-temporal judgements. This approach allows for the creation of a reward model that reflects human feedback, ultimately optimizing agent performance. Incorporating this methodology into building interactive agents in video game worlds offers a more efficient and goal-oriented approach.

Achieving Success with Reinforcement Learning:

By utilizing reinforcement learning (RL), agents trained with the reward model can achieve a higher success rate compared to imitation learning alone. In a study where humans interacted with RL-trained agents in real-time, the agents achieved an impressive 92% performance compared to humans under similar conditions. This highlights the potential of RL in optimizing agent behavior and paving the way for more advanced and interactive AI systems.

Unraveling the Overlapping Traits:

While exploring the connection between building interactive agents and signs of autism in women with ADHD, we can draw attention to the concept of "stimming." Stimming refers to repetitive movements or noises that individuals engage in to soothe their nervous system. Interestingly, these actions self-stimulate the senses and help manage stress. Although not directly related to building interactive agents, this insight can offer a unique perspective on how individuals cope with overwhelming environments.

Finding Common Ground:

While the two areas may seem unrelated at first glance, there is a common thread that binds them. Both building interactive agents in video game worlds and signs of autism in women with ADHD require understanding and adapting to specific moments or situations. In building interactive agents, key movements and decisions at crucial moments are crucial for goal-directed behavior. Similarly, individuals with autism and ADHD develop coping mechanisms like stimming to manage stress during overwhelming situations. This shared emphasis on specific moments highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing critical points of interaction in various contexts.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Incorporate inter-temporal judgements: When training interactive agents, consider utilizing inter-temporal judgements to create a reward model that reflects human preferences. This approach can greatly enhance the efficiency and goal-directed behavior of the agents.
  • 2. Explore the potential of reinforcement learning: Implement reinforcement learning algorithms to optimize agent performance. By using RL, agents can surpass the limitations of imitation learning and achieve higher success rates in real-time interactions.
  • 3. Foster understanding and inclusivity: Recognize and appreciate the coping mechanisms individuals develop to navigate overwhelming environments. By understanding and accommodating diverse needs, we can create more inclusive and supportive spaces for everyone.


The intersection of building interactive agents in video game worlds and signs of autism in women with ADHD offers valuable insights into optimizing agent behavior and understanding human coping mechanisms. By incorporating inter-temporal judgements and reinforcement learning, agents can achieve higher success rates and perform at levels close to humans. Moreover, recognizing and appreciating coping mechanisms like stimming can contribute to the development of more inclusive and supportive environments. By embracing these insights and taking actionable steps, we can unlock the full potential of interactive agents and empower individuals with diverse needs.

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