The Intersection of Autism, ADHD, and Creativity in Professional Settings

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Aug 18, 2023

4 min read


The Intersection of Autism, ADHD, and Creativity in Professional Settings


In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the unique experiences and challenges faced by individuals with autism and ADHD. While these conditions are often discussed separately, there are intriguing connections between them that warrant further exploration. Additionally, the role of creativity in professional settings is gaining prominence, with a call for more creatives in leadership positions. This article aims to examine the signs of autism in women with ADHD, the importance of creativity in the C-suite, and the potential intersections between these seemingly unrelated topics.

Understanding Stimming and its Connection to Autism and ADHD:

One common behavior associated with autism is "stimming," a term used to describe self-stimulatory actions that individuals engage in as a way to soothe their nervous system. These actions, which can manifest as repetitive movements or noises, help individuals manage stress and regulate their senses. Interestingly, stimming is not exclusive to individuals with autism but can also be observed in individuals with ADHD. The instinctive nature of stimming suggests a possible shared neurobiological basis between autism and ADHD, highlighting the need for a comprehensive understanding of both conditions.

The Link Between Autism, ADHD, and Creativity:

Many individuals with autism and ADHD possess unique cognitive traits that contribute to their creative abilities. The ability to think outside the box, make connections between seemingly unrelated concepts, and engage in divergent thinking are often seen in individuals with these conditions. This heightened creativity can be a valuable asset in various professional domains. However, it is essential to create inclusive environments that embrace and harness the potential of neurodivergent individuals to fully benefit from their creative contributions.

The Importance of Creatives in the C-Suite:

Traditionally, the C-suite in business organizations has been dominated by individuals with backgrounds in finance, management, or operations. However, there is a growing recognition of the need for more creatives in leadership positions. Creatives bring a unique perspective to problem-solving, innovation, and strategic decision-making. They possess the ability to envision and communicate compelling narratives, inspire teams, and drive positive change. While it is more common for creatives to establish their own agencies, there is a growing trend of creative directors moving into the C-suite within existing businesses.

Exploring the Intersections:

Considering the shared traits between individuals with autism, ADHD, and creatives, it becomes evident that there may be intersections worth exploring. The cognitive strengths associated with autism and ADHD, such as divergent thinking and the ability to make unique connections, can greatly benefit creative professionals in the C-suite. Furthermore, the self-stimulatory behaviors observed in individuals with autism and ADHD might serve as a coping mechanism in high-stress professional settings. By embracing and understanding these connections, businesses can create inclusive environments that foster the growth and success of neurodivergent individuals.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Foster an inclusive workplace culture: Encourage diversity and embrace the unique perspectives and abilities that neurodivergent individuals bring to the table. Create a safe and supportive environment where employees feel comfortable expressing their ideas and offering alternative solutions.
  • 2. Provide neurodiversity training and support: Educate employees about autism, ADHD, and the strengths associated with these conditions. Offer resources and support for individuals who may require accommodations to thrive in their roles. By understanding and accommodating neurodivergent individuals, companies can tap into their creative potential.
  • 3. Promote cross-disciplinary collaboration: Encourage collaboration between individuals from different backgrounds, including those with expertise in finance, management, operations, and creative fields. By fostering an environment that values diverse perspectives and encourages collaboration, businesses can drive innovation and address complex challenges more effectively.


The intersection of autism, ADHD, and creativity in professional settings presents a unique opportunity for businesses to harness the potential of neurodivergent individuals and drive innovation. By understanding the signs of autism in individuals with ADHD, recognizing the importance of creatives in the C-suite, and exploring the intersections between these topics, companies can create inclusive environments that foster the growth and success of all employees. By implementing actionable advice such as fostering an inclusive workplace culture, providing neurodiversity training and support, and promoting cross-disciplinary collaboration, businesses can tap into the creative potential of neurodivergent individuals and pave the way for a more inclusive and innovative future.

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