Exploring the Intersection of Autism, ADHD, and the FTX Crypto Exchange Collapse

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Jun 26, 2024

4 min read


Exploring the Intersection of Autism, ADHD, and the FTX Crypto Exchange Collapse


In this article, we delve into two seemingly unrelated topics - the signs of autism in women with ADHD and the collapse of the FTX crypto exchange. While these subjects may appear disparate, we will uncover some surprising commonalities and insights that connect them. From the unique phenomenon of stimming to the intricate web of financial dealings, there is more than meets the eye. So, let's explore these topics and uncover the hidden connections.

Autism in Women with ADHD:

Many individuals with ADHD often wonder if they may also be on the autism spectrum. The concept of "stimming" plays a significant role in understanding the similarities between these two conditions. Stimming refers to repetitive movements or noises that individuals engage in to soothe their nervous systems. It serves as a form of self-stimulation that helps manage stress. Interestingly, both individuals with autism and ADHD commonly engage in stimming behaviors, albeit for different reasons.

Women with ADHD often exhibit signs of autism that may go unnoticed or misdiagnosed. This is primarily due to the overlapping symptoms and societal expectations of neurotypical behavior. Research suggests that women with ADHD may experience challenges in social interactions, difficulties with executive functioning, and sensory sensitivities similar to those observed in individuals with autism. Recognizing these shared traits can help provide a clearer understanding of neurodiversity and potentially lead to more accurate diagnoses and support.

The FTX Crypto Exchange Collapse:

Shifting gears, let's now turn our attention to the collapse of the FTX crypto exchange and the involvement of Sam Bankman-Fried, its founder. In November, news broke that Alameda, a prominent trading firm associated with FTX, held a significant portion of its balance sheet in FTT (FTX's native token). This revelation sent shockwaves through the market, causing panic and a subsequent sell-off. Bankman-Fried sought assistance from rival exchange Binance, but the deal fell through due to concerns over mishandled customer funds.

The interconnectedness of these events becomes apparent when we consider the role of trust and financial responsibility. Just as individuals with autism and ADHD navigate complex social dynamics, the collapse of FTX highlights the importance of trust in the financial world. Investors rushed to withdraw their funds, fearing the loss of their assets. This underscores the significance of transparency and ethical practices within the crypto industry.

Connections and Insights:

At first glace, the topics of autism and the FTX collapse may seem unrelated, but a deeper examination reveals some fascinating connections. Both domains involve individuals navigating complex systems - be it social interactions or financial markets - and facing challenges that arise from misunderstandings, miscommunication, and a lack of transparency.

Furthermore, these topics shed light on the importance of recognizing and accommodating neurodiversity. Just as women with ADHD may exhibit signs of autism that go unnoticed, the collapse of FTX exposed the potential pitfalls of unchecked financial practices. By embracing diversity and fostering an inclusive environment, we can create a society that values and supports individuals from all walks of life.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Educate Yourself: Take the time to understand the nuances of neurodiversity, including the overlapping traits between autism and ADHD. By gaining knowledge, we can promote understanding and empathy towards individuals who may experience these conditions.
  • 2. Demand Transparency: Whether in the realm of finance or any other industry, hold companies and institutions accountable for their actions. Transparency fosters trust and ensures that individuals' rights and assets are protected.
  • 3. Advocate for Inclusion: Champion diversity and inclusion in all aspects of life. By creating environments that embrace neurodiversity, we allow individuals to thrive and contribute their unique perspectives to society.


While the signs of autism in women with ADHD and the collapse of the FTX crypto exchange may seem unrelated on the surface, a closer examination reveals thought-provoking connections. Both topics highlight the importance of understanding, transparency, and inclusion in our society. By recognizing and accommodating neurodiversity, and demanding ethical practices in the financial realm, we can foster a more compassionate and equitable world for all.

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