Building Interactive Agents in Video Game Worlds: A Path to Efficient and Goal-Directed Behavior

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Nov 15, 2023

3 min read


Building Interactive Agents in Video Game Worlds: A Path to Efficient and Goal-Directed Behavior

In the quest to create more immersive video game experiences, developers and researchers have been exploring the potential of building interactive agents within these virtual worlds. These agents, powered by artificial intelligence (AI), have the ability to not only interact with the environment but also respond to user inputs and engage in meaningful conversations. While imitation learning has been a popular approach to train these agents, recent advancements have highlighted the importance of goal-directed behavior and the need for agents to master specific movements and decisions at key moments.

Imitation learning, although effective in generating interesting interactions, treats each moment of interaction as equally important. This approach fails to account for the efficiency and effectiveness of an agent's actions. For example, agents trained through imitation learning may not reliably take shortcuts or perform tasks with greater dexterity than an average human player. To address this limitation, researchers have turned to the concept of inter-temporal judgments.

Inter-temporal judgments involve humans assessing whether an observed event indicates progress towards a given goal or signifies an error or mistake. By training a neural network to predict these human preferences, researchers were able to create a reward model that reflects human feedback. This reward model serves as a guiding framework for optimizing agent behavior.

To train the reward model, researchers asked humans to judge specific events in the agent's interaction with the virtual world. These events were categorized as either indicating progress towards the goal or as errors or mistakes. The neural network then learned to predict these judgments and assigned positive or negative preferences accordingly. This process allowed for the creation of a reward model that captures the nuances of goal-directed behavior.

Once the reward model was trained using human preferences, it was used to optimize the behavior of the agents. The agents were placed within the virtual world and given instructions or questions to answer. As the agents acted and spoke in the environment, their behavior was scored by the trained reward model. A reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm was then employed to optimize the agent's performance based on this scoring.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the agents, researchers conducted online real-time interactions where human participants interacted with the agents for 5 minutes. The participants gave instructions or asked questions, and then judged the success of the agents' responses. The results were promising, with the RL-powered agents achieving a success rate of 92% compared to human performance under similar conditions.

These findings highlight the potential of RL as a means to enhance the performance of interactive agents in video game worlds. By leveraging inter-temporal judgments and training a reward model, agents can exhibit more efficient and goal-directed behavior. This opens up exciting possibilities for creating more immersive and engaging gaming experiences.

In conclusion, if you are interested in building interactive agents in video game worlds, here are three actionable pieces of advice to consider:

  • 1. Incorporate inter-temporal judgments: Instead of treating all moments of interaction equally, focus on capturing the nuances of goal-directed behavior. Train your agents to recognize events that indicate progress towards a goal or errors and mistakes.
  • 2. Train a reward model: Use the inter-temporal judgments collected from human participants to train a neural network and create a reward model. This model will serve as a guiding framework to optimize agent behavior and enhance their performance.
  • 3. Employ reinforcement learning: Use a reinforcement learning algorithm to optimize the agents' behavior based on the scoring provided by the reward model. This iterative process will enable the agents to learn from their interactions and improve their performance over time.

By following these steps, you can develop interactive agents that exhibit efficient and goal-directed behavior, enhancing the overall gaming experience for players. The possibilities for creating more immersive and engaging video game worlds are endless, and the advancements in AI and RL are paving the way for exciting developments in this field.

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