The Future of Marketing: Navigating Diversity and the Zero-cost Economy


Hatched by Glasp

Aug 09, 2023

3 min read


The Future of Marketing: Navigating Diversity and the Zero-cost Economy


In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, it is crucial to adapt to new technologies and societal changes. This article explores the intersection of diversity, zero-cost economy, and artificial intelligence (AI) in shaping the future of marketing. By analyzing insights from "When Content Creation Goes to Zero" and "悩み相談の達人ジェーン・スーが考える新時代のマーケティングとは," we gain valuable perspective on how to navigate these transformations effectively.

1. Embracing Diversity in Marketing:

In "悩み相談の達人ジェーン・スーが考える新時代のマーケティングとは," Jane Sue highlights the pitfalls of superficially incorporating diversity without genuine understanding. She emphasizes the need to avoid tokenism and instead focus on inclusivity. The key lies in shifting our attention to those who deviate from established norms and acknowledging their perspectives. This requires a willingness to change and an open mindset that does not confine oneself to predefined solutions.

Connecting this with the concept of a zero-cost economy, we can infer that as AI reduces creation costs, marketers must refrain from fearing change. The traditional notion of a single "correct" solution that everyone should follow is becoming obsolete. Instead, marketers must embrace the fluidity of the new era and adapt to diverse consumer needs and preferences.

2. The Implications of AI on Content Creation:

"When Content Creation Goes to Zero" discusses the profound impact of AI, specifically tools like GPT-3 and DALL-E, on reducing the cost of producing goods with a digital component. As creation costs decline, acquisition becomes the primary focus for competition. This shift prompts us to question the future of our economy and the role of marketing within it.

To stay ahead of the curve, companies need to combine innovative technology, effective marketing strategies, competitive advantages, and a proficient team. Startups acting as infrastructure providers for other companies may be more poised for disruption than established technology companies. However, it is essential to acknowledge that the true disruption may occur at an individual level, as AI replaces human input in the creation process.

3. The Power Law Dynamic and Redefining Product Design:

It is crucial to recognize that the zero-cost economy and AI-driven content creation reinforce a power law dynamic, concentrating power in the hands of a few elite companies. The ability to scale digital goods and coordination mechanisms indefinitely for free has reshaped how we coordinate physical labor.

Moreover, the winning products in this new era will be those that excel at feeding data into AI models. This calls for a reevaluation of product design to optimize training inputs. As AI becomes increasingly influential in determining the success of different media, responsibility for delivering the intended message becomes a pressing question.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Foster genuine diversity and inclusivity in marketing efforts by seeking out and valuing perspectives outside the mainstream. Embrace change and avoid tokenism.
  • 2. Anticipate the impact of AI on content creation and pivot towards acquisition-focused strategies. Consider infrastructure-focused startups for potential disruption opportunities.
  • 3. Redefine product design to leverage AI capabilities by prioritizing training inputs. Stay vigilant about the responsibility of delivering the intended message in an algorithm-driven landscape.


The future of marketing is undergoing a seismic shift with the convergence of diversity, the zero-cost economy, and AI. By understanding the complexities and opportunities presented by these factors, marketers can adapt and thrive in this new era. Embracing diversity, anticipating the implications of AI, and redefining product design are crucial steps towards success in this rapidly evolving landscape.

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