"The Lessons Learned from Silicon Valley Investing Legends: Networking, Differentiation, and Selling Attention"


Hatched by Glasp

Jul 22, 2023

3 min read


"The Lessons Learned from Silicon Valley Investing Legends: Networking, Differentiation, and Selling Attention"


In the fast-paced world of Silicon Valley investing, success is often elusive. However, there are valuable lessons to be learned from the experiences of legends like Ron Conway. This article explores the key takeaways from Conway's insights on networking, the importance of differentiation, and the potential benefits of selling attention. Additionally, we delve into the idea of Netflix selling ads as a means to expand its user base and increase profitability.

Networking: The Founder Network as the "Mafia":

According to Ron Conway, networking is a crucial element in achieving success in the startup ecosystem. He likens the founder network to the Mafia, where they communicate and recommend value-adding investors. Conway's firm, SV Angel, has utilized this network to its advantage, making successful investments in companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Snap. By staying connected and advocating for founders, Conway has built a reputation for being a valuable resource in the industry.

Differentiation through Unique Content:

Netflix has established itself as a major player in the streaming industry by offering a differentiated user experience. Its focus on creating attractive and unique content has captivated consumers and set it apart from its competitors. As attention becomes more precious than content itself, selling attention rather than content becomes a logical move. By diversifying its business model to include advertising and offering a free plan with ads, Netflix can tap into additional revenue streams and expand its user base.

The Challenges of Saturation and Attention Scarcity:

Despite its success, Netflix faces challenges such as market saturation and attention scarcity. With 75 million subscribers in the US and Canada alone, the potential for further subscriber growth is limited. Raising prices has been an option for expansion, but it may not be sustainable in the long run. As the streaming market becomes increasingly competitive, Netflix's focus on unique content as a source of differentiation becomes paramount.

The Potential Benefits of Selling Attention:

The most effective business model in the attention economy is advertising. Platforms like Google and Facebook excel at selling effective ads because they navigate the abundance of content and capture users' attention. Netflix, on the other hand, primarily sells content. However, as the internet reality dictates, attention is easier to sell than content. Incorporating advertising into its model would allow Netflix to capitalize on its vast user base and offer a subsidized tier, expanding its subscriber base and strengthening its competitive position.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Invest in networking: Building a strong network within the startup ecosystem can provide valuable insights and opportunities for success. Stay connected with founders and industry influencers to stay ahead of the curve.
  • 2. Focus on differentiation: To thrive in a saturated market, it's crucial to invest in creating unique content or offerings that set your business apart. Differentiation is key to capturing attention and attracting customers.
  • 3. Explore alternative revenue streams: Consider diversifying your business model to include advertising or other forms of monetization. By selling attention rather than content, you can tap into additional revenue streams and expand your user base.


Learning from the experiences of Silicon Valley investing legends like Ron Conway can provide valuable insights for entrepreneurs and businesses. Networking, differentiation through unique content, and exploring alternative revenue streams are crucial elements in achieving success and staying ahead in today's competitive landscape. By incorporating these lessons, businesses can adapt to the ever-evolving market and secure their position as industry leaders.

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