YouTube Settings You Should Know About | Summary and Q&A

February 4, 2019
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
YouTube Settings You Should Know About


Learn about five important YouTube settings that can impact views, engagement, and workflow.

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Key Insights

  • 🎮 The YouTube advanced settings are essential for content creators to boost visibility and have their videos recommended alongside others.
  • 😑 Utilizing upload defaults can significantly improve workflow efficiency by pre-setting video details and description templates.
  • 🎮 Content creators should carefully consider licensing options to control the usage of their videos by others.
  • 🎮 Personalized branding on videos can enhance brand identity and encourage subscriptions.
  • 💷 The community settings provide useful features for managing moderators, banning/un-banning users, and filtering out unwanted comments and livestream messages.


  • I'm gonna tell you five YouTube settings that all YouTubers need to know about because they can affect the views that you're getting, they can affect the engagement on your channel, they can even help with your workflow, and we're startin' right now. ♪ That's just how it is ain't gettin' over me ♪ - What is goin' on? My name is Nick from tubertoo... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can YouTube advanced settings benefit content creators?

YouTube advanced settings allow you to add channel keywords, boosting visibility, and enable your channel to appear in other channels' recommendations, increasing the chances of your videos being recommended to a wider audience.

Q: How can upload defaults save time for content creators?

With upload defaults, you can set video settings, including a pre-made description template, playlists, and social media links. This eliminates the need to fill in these details for every upload, saving valuable time.

Q: What are the differences between standard and creative commons licensing options?

The standard licensing option grants YouTube the right to show your video on the platform, while the creative commons option allows others to reuse your video, provided they follow the license terms. Choosing the option depends on whether you want others to utilize your content.

Q: How can the branding page enhance a content creator's channel?

The branding page allows you to add a watermark or subscribe button to your videos. By adding a branding element, such as a logo, you can increase brand recognition and prompt viewers to subscribe.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The YouTube advanced settings allow you to add channel keywords and enable your channel to appear in other channels' recommendations, boosting visibility.

  • Utilize upload defaults to save time by setting your video settings, including a description template, playlists, and social media links, for every upload.

  • Choose between standard and creative commons licensing options when uploading videos to determine whether others can reuse your content.

  • Use the branding page to add a watermark or subscribe button to your videos, increasing brand recognition and subscribers.

  • Take advantage of community settings to manage moderators, view banned users, and create a blocked words list to filter out unwanted comments and livestream messages.

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