YouTube News, Tips, Hang Out and Channel Grading | Summary and Q&A

October 27, 2018
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
YouTube News, Tips, Hang Out and Channel Grading


This live stream covers various topics related to YouTube news and content creation, including premieres and channel organization. It also discusses the importance of embracing editing as a learning process.

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Key Insights

  • 🛟 Premieres should be reserved for significant videos to maintain their impact and avoid diluting their value.
  • 🍧 Content quality and audience engagement are more important than having a great logo or using excessive tags.
  • 🔨 Organization tools like Monday can help streamline content planning and scheduling.
  • 📽️ Editing can be overwhelming initially, but practice and starting with simple projects can gradually improve skills.
  • 🎏 Personal preferences, such as not liking one's own voice, should not deter creators from streaming or making videos.


okay going into the - fingers crossed waiting for that green to pop up and we've got green I think we're coming in I don't know how good it's gonna be but today we are looking at channels we are hanging out and we're talking about some YouTube news and we're starting right now but we don't even have an intro for that so welcome to NIM and live I'm ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Can streaming still be effective even if I don't like the sound of my own voice?

Yes, streaming can be effective regardless of personal preferences. It takes time to get used to hearing your own voice, but with practice, it becomes easier to overcome self-consciousness.

Q: Why am I not getting the same amount of views after a break?

Taking a break can affect your visibility in users' histories and recommendations. Stay consistent, create content that ranks well in search, and engage with your audience to regain traction.

Q: How do I get more views and choose better tags for my videos?

Getting more views involves creating engaging content that resonates with your audience. Use tags that accurately describe your video's content and optimize your titles and descriptions.

Q: How can I stay organized with content planning without an app?

Use a notebook or a planning app like Monday to write down ideas and track your content schedule. Plan a few videos in advance to stay organized and maintain a consistent posting schedule.

Q: How do I overcome the overwhelming nature of video editing?

Start with short videos and gradually learn new editing techniques. Focus on one aspect at a time, such as cutting or adding transitions, before attempting more advanced editing techniques.

Q: Can I grow my channel without a great logo?

While a great logo can help attract subscribers, the quality of your content is more critical. Focus on creating valuable videos that resonate with your audience, and a logo can be developed over time.

Q: What happened to YouTube last week?

The reason for the YouTube outage is unclear, but it may be related to Google+'s phase-out process. Until YouTube provides official information, theories can only be speculative.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The live stream begins with technical difficulties, but the hosts resolve them quickly.

  • The hosts discuss the concept of premieres on YouTube and suggest using them for significant videos.

  • The importance of content quality and its impact on the growth of YouTube channels is highlighted.

  • The hosts discuss the challenge of editing videos and provide tips on starting with simple projects and gradually learning more advanced techniques.

  • They emphasize the importance of staying organized, using tools like Monday and notebooks.

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