Why YOUR YouTube Channel is Growing Slowly | Summary and Q&A

April 20, 2019
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
Why YOUR YouTube Channel is Growing Slowly


Starting a new YouTube channel can be challenging due to the need to learn how to create compelling content, struggle with competition, build a content library, and discover effective ways to promote videos.

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Key Insights

  • 🫵 Generating a response from viewers is essential to gaining traction on YouTube.
  • 👶 The competitive nature of YouTube can make it challenging for new channels to attract attention.
  • ✋ Building a content library with high-quality videos contributes significantly to a channel's growth.
  • 🫵 Learning where and how to promote content is crucial for boosting initial views.
  • 🌚 New content creators face a learning curve in understanding YouTube's intricacies and optimizing content creation.
  • 👨‍🔬 Skill development, relationship building, niche targeting, and search engine optimization are vital for channel growth.
  • 🥡 Quality takes precedence over quantity when it comes to video uploads.


  • I'm gonna tell you why YouTube is difficult when you have a new channel and we're starting right now. (hip hop music) What is goin' on? My name is Nick from tubertools.com. Welcome to anther video. If this is your first time here and you wanna learn how to grow you channel, make videos, and all types of other YouTube-related stuff start now by su... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How important is it to generate a response from viewers with my YouTube content?

Generating a response from viewers is crucial for the success of your YouTube channel. By creating captivating titles, thumbnails, and content, you increase the chances of viewers clicking on your videos and watching them till the end.

Q: Why do some smaller channels struggle to be noticed amidst a sea of content?

Smaller channels often face difficulty when they tackle highly competitive topics or fail to prioritize creating appealing thumbnails. It's important to research your competition and ensure your thumbnails are as enticing as those from established channels.

Q: Can uploading a large number of videos without a focus on quality help a new channel grow?

No, simply uploading numerous videos is not enough to grow a YouTube channel. Quality over quantity is key. Focus on creating a handful of exceptional videos that resonate with your target audience, as they are more likely to drive growth.

Q: How can I overcome the challenge of finding the right communities or platforms to share my content?

As a new content creator, it may take time to find the best platforms or communities to share your videos. Networking with other creators, experimenting with different platforms, and exploring niche communities can help you discover effective ways to promote your content.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • New content creators often struggle to understand how to elicit a response from viewers through effective content creation, including titles, thumbnails, and actual video content.

  • The competitive landscape on YouTube can make it difficult for new channels to stand out, especially when targeting popular topics.

  • Building a content library with high-quality videos is essential for attracting and retaining viewers and growing a subscriber base.

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