January 31, 2024
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Readers discuss various reasons why they avoid picking up certain books, including fan service, previous negative experiences with authors, convoluted book descriptions, incomplete book series, excessive blurbs, different tastes from friends, viral book hype, imitative book covers, and unappealing blurb questions.

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Key Insights

  • 💨 Fan service can come across as contrived and inauthentic, turning readers away.
  • ❓ Some readers are more forgiving and willing to give authors a second chance, while others have a "one strike and you're out" policy.
  • 😕 Convoluted book descriptions that give away too much or confuse readers can be off-putting.
  • 🫠 Incomplete book series can discourage readers, especially binge readers who prefer to read series back to back.
  • 📔 Excessive blurbs or recommendations on book covers can overwhelm and make it difficult to find the book description.
  • 👅 Differing tastes from friends can influence readers' book choices to avoid potential disappointment or conflict.
  • 📔 Readers may wait to read highly popular or viral books to lower their expectations and ensure the book's quality.


hey hi hello welcome back to my channel I'm Jesse and today I'm going to be reacting to your answers to the question what keeps you from picking up a book whether it be a book at the library you see and you're just like nope or a book that you see at the bookstore where you're just like nope or even just a book that you see in your social media fee... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is fan service and why do readers dislike it?

Fan service refers to when authors incorporate elements or themes that they know readers will like, even if it doesn't feel natural or authentic. Many readers find this contrived and icky, preferring genuine storytelling instead.

Q: Are readers willing to give authors a second chance after a negative experience?

It depends on the reader. Some have a "one strike and you're out" policy, avoiding authors they have previously disliked. Others are more open to giving authors a second chance if they see potential or positive aspects in their writing.

Q: How do convoluted book descriptions affect readers' book choices?

Convoluted book descriptions that are either too detailed or too confusing can deter readers from picking up a book. Some readers prefer simple, vague descriptions that capture their interest, while others appreciate a balance between a simplified back cover and a detailed inside flap description.

Q: Why do readers avoid picking up books in incomplete series?

Readers who binge-read series prefer to wait until all books are available to avoid the disappointment of having to wait for subsequent installments. Even those who don't binge-read may prefer to have all books released to assess whether the series is worth investing in.

Q: Why do excessive blurbs or recommendations deter readers?

Readers find that too many blurbs from authors or reviewers on the back cover or multiple pages can be overwhelming and make it difficult to find the book description. Some prefer concise blurbs by authors in the same genre to gauge their interest.

Q: How do different tastes from friends influence readers' book choices?

Readers take into account their friends' recommendations or preferences when deciding whether to pick up a book. If a friend loves a book that doesn't align with their own taste, they may rethink reading it to avoid potential disappointment or conflict.

Q: Why do readers sometimes avoid books that become viral or popular on social media?

Readers may choose to wait before reading highly-hyped books to avoid inflated expectations and allow initial reviews to come in. They want to lower their expectations and ensure the book lives up to the hype before committing to it.

Q: Why do imitative book covers deter readers?

Readers find it unappealing when book covers imitate the style of another successful book. While publishers may try to capitalize on trends, imitative covers often fall short and feel derivative, leading readers to question the quality of the book itself.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Readers mention fan service as a major turn-off, where authors cater to readers' preferences in a contrived manner.

  • Some readers avoid picking up books by authors they have previously disliked, while others give authors a second chance based on potential or positive aspects in their writing.

  • Convoluted book descriptions, either giving away too much or confusing readers, can also deter them from picking up a book.

  • Incomplete book series and excessive blurbs or recommendations can influence readers' decisions, as well as differing tastes from friends, viral book hype, imitative book covers, and unappealing blurb questions.

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